jacksonbenete / email_terminal

For use in tabletop rpgs. Login: 8A73B5@trustno1 or admin@admin
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature ideas #9

Open Lucas-C opened 2 years ago

Lucas-C commented 2 years ago


Those are just suggestions about features that could be interesting for the project:

What do you think about them @jacksonbenete?

Also, there are a few interesting web-based "fake" terminals to maybe draw inspiration from:

jacksonbenete commented 2 years ago

The clear command is already implemented. Or are you talking about something else?

I'll take some time this weekend to look at your other links, but all your suggestions are nice. I'm not sure I'll have the time to implement them, since this is an old project and I'm quite busy right now, but I'll see what I can do.

Additionally, you can always make a PR, of course, you're already part of the project. As long as those features don't bloat or make the page heavy, it's ok.

The song game for instance takes quite a while to load, the idea of the terminal is to be there always ready for the players to access it and try to find things/find clues messing around the terminal, reading "emails" and "files". Making the application heavy and or slow doesn't really sounds like an improvement. Apart from that, more commands, "programs" and features are of course welcomed to the project.

About state management, are you thinking on using localStorage? Or are you talking about keeping the state only for the session? The decrypt command is nice, but I didn't understood the purpose of the block command, as it wouldn't propagate to other users... Github pages are read-only (I mean static), any user blocked would work only in the client's browser. If it's only for roleplay purposes though, it's fine.

Lucas-C commented 2 years ago

For clear, I wasn't clear: the command already exists indeed, I was suggesting to also add an option in software programs that would perform a clear before displaying the program output. I have just opened this PR in order to implement this: https://github.com/jacksonbenete/email_terminal/pull/10

Lucas-C commented 2 years ago

By sharing those ideas here, I just want to know your feedbacks on them, and if you think they can fit with the project. I probably won't implement all of them myself, but I certainly do not expect you to implement them just because I thought they could be cool ^^

About audio / sound: I'm pretty sure it could be done without performance impact. And I agree that keeping the interface fast to load & fluid to use is very important.

Regarding state management, I initially thought that would be purely single-session-based, but using the browser LocalStorage could be nice!

I got a couple extra ideas:

I think I could actually give a shot at those 2 features...

Lucas-C commented 2 years ago

By the way, are you still playing TTRPGs nowadays? 😊

You mentioned that you were busy: if you don't have the time or interest to deal with my ideas & PRs, I would fully understand. If you are ok to trust me a little, you could give me extra permissions on this repo, so that I can contribute stuff without notifying you. I could also simply work on a fork on my side.

Also, knowing myself, my interest in this project may vanish after a few weeks ^^ Especially if I don't find an occasion to use this in a TTRPG session soon!

jacksonbenete commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately I'm not playing anymore. I'm living in another country and my players are both distant and busy.

It's just normal to lose interest on something, so let's take advantage of your enthusiasm right now. haha I'll give you extra permissions so you can approve the PRs.

Lucas-C commented 2 years ago

Thanks for giving me commit access to the repo! Just to be clear: do you agree that I push commits to the master branch without creating PRs? I think I'll start with 2 features, and maybe I'll also add a Javascript code linter as part of GitHub Actions pipeline.

jacksonbenete commented 2 years ago

I wasn't very caring in the start of the project so I was committing directly to master because I wasn't expecting the result to be good and to open source the thing.

I would suggest you to create branches and PR, as it'll be easy (for me) to follow what is going on, and it's a good practice for all of us. But if you think it's too much trouble, I'll not be mad with commits directly to master in a simple project like this one.

Lucas-C commented 2 years ago

Ok, I'm totally fine with PRs 😊 Do you want to take the time to review all of them, or should I feel free to merge them after some time ? Tell me how many days I should wait if so

jacksonbenete commented 2 years ago

You can merge them whenever you want, no problem.

I'll just see the list of closed PRs later when I have the time, it'll be organised for me to follow the changes. If it was directly on master I would be a bit lost, even though the commit message should help.