jacksorjacksor / astrojs-with-umbraco-cms-docs

Drafts of docs to present to AstroJS - https://docs.astro.build/en/guides/cms/
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Discussion: Project templates - include? #8

Open jacksorjacksor opened 2 months ago

jacksorjacksor commented 2 months ago

From @AdamPrendergast's PR #7 "Point 1: the other CMS guides do not reference which project template to use. Do we need to?"

To look into.

jacksorjacksor commented 2 months ago


Yes I think we should definitely mention what template type to be used when creating the initial Astro project. Others don't, and I honestly think they should.

For example, Storyblok says

"An Astro project - If you don’t have an Astro project yet, our Installation guide will get you up and running in no time."

...and I think they should specify how that initial install should be performed (i.e. what settings etc) just to reduce confusion.

With regards to what version of the Astro install we're using I'm curious about whether to go:

1) Completely blank, provide file examples for everything

2) Use the blog template and adjust

For this documentation, I'd probably lean towards using the Blog template and adjusting, though that would need upkeep (i.e. if that template changed we'd need to adjust accordingly). I personally feel more could be done in those other starter guides to be explicit about the file structure you end up with honestly.

Happy to discuss!