jackun / TestAMFVFW

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r9 380, performance testing. #7

Open Zerowalker opened 8 years ago

Zerowalker commented 8 years ago

Okay not an issue at all but i don't know where else to post stuff to communicate with you;P

I have been doing some testing since i got my r9 380 which has the latest AMD VCE version, 3.0.

I have tried many different encoders, your version of OBS (think it's you), OBS Studio with MFC, MSI Afterburner and also this one.

Now, they all behind a bit differently.

OBS Studio with MFC completely sucks if the GPU is used much, it completely drops frames all over, we are talking about 80% of the frames etc.

your OBS version well i can't really get it to work well, it's actually worse than MFC in my cases, pretty much always drop frames for some reason, no matter what settings i could do.

MSI Afterburner is one of the most solid ones, sure it drops frames with high GPU usage, but it seems to prioritize encoding a bit more as the game fps drops more so it seems like it kinda captures most of the visible frames anyway.

As for this codec it's probably the best of them all in many areas. It's almost like the MSI Afterburner one but with 4k and more settings.

The problem though is that if i for example do some tests with Halo CE, a very old game that doesn't use much GPU it will run fine with 1920x1200@60.

Now if i play it at 4K (16:10) and record at 1920x1200@60 it shows huge problems (as do all other encoders.

Though, it doesn't show a drop in fps in the game, and the GPU Usage kinda fluctuates from say 60-80%, so in game it looks like everything it more or less fine, but the video is probably at around 30fps.

I have no idea how programming works in these cases, and i am sure much of the stuff is locked for AMD.

But i wonder, is it possible to increase the priority for Encoding vs Games? Meaning, if the Encoders lack behind, it should use more GPU instead of just ignoring it and let the Game use it so it drops frames.

If you need any help with testing i would gladly help out btw:)

Zerowalker commented 8 years ago

Wait does the older version work better? Please tell me more.

Vestaia commented 8 years ago

In dxtory, there is a FPS limit over-ride function for the test AMF encoder. I would recommend not using this unless you can not get above 30 fps as it tends to cause driver crashes for me.

Zerowalker, the older version does not neccesarily work better, but it does have much more software support than the newer version. The VCE encoding tends to crash... a lot, so AMD removed support for it since they never could get it working on windows (it works fine on OSX). The new AMF record is MUCH more stable and has a slightly lower GPU load than the old VCE.

Use the older version if you cant get the newer one working.

Note: AMF encoding does NOT work with sony vegas or Adobe Premiere at this time Nor is it supported in any media encoder I know of. You MAY need to use Google's supercomputing encoder to re-encode it into something editable.

Zerowalker commented 8 years ago

Ah i see, well the only problem i really have is that i can't record 1920x1200@1200 in pretty much any game that demands anything, and i thought r9 380 would handle that well cause of VCE 3.0.

Was hoping it was cause of AMF or some bugs, but i guess i was just expecting too much;(


Oh btw i can recommend remuxing in ffmpeg to make it seekable, that might help editing if that's your thing.

ffmpeg -i "inputfile.whatever" -c: copy "outputfile.mkv"