jackun / openencodevfw

No longer a VFW (video for windows) frontend for AMD VCE H264 encoder
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Best setting for quality and frequently fast motion on youtube #11

Closed suppy1 closed 10 years ago

suppy1 commented 10 years ago

Hey guys.. I'm looking to use the very best setting for openencodevfw for quality and frequently fast motion on youtube.. What would you recommend I change in settings to achieve this?

At the moment my settings are this:

Fixed QP CABAC on Search range 36 levels 4.2 Profile High Force frame 250 Quantizer 10 Quickset Quality Speedy Math on NV12 conversion on BGR(A) pixel format on

Any suggestions would be great..

jackun commented 10 years ago

With AMD OpenVideo API I think that is pretty much it. Quantizer at 10 is maybe a bit too much. 20 might be enough. HKCU\Software\OpenEncodeVFW registry path has some more settings. In samples folder there are cfg files that have comments about what setting does what.

suppy1 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for quick reply.. I'll check the registry path and check over the sample folders again. All in all i'm very happy with the results Just making sure I'm running Optimized settings.