jackun / openencodevfw

No longer a VFW (video for windows) frontend for AMD VCE H264 encoder
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60 FPS Problems At 1080p #20

Open blueskynolen opened 9 years ago

blueskynolen commented 9 years ago

I've been having a couple problems recording at 1080p 60 fps using the VCE encoder. I saw that there was another issue posted about this and you recommended using the "speed" option, so I made sure to do that. I'm still only getting about 48-56 fps though. I use an FX 6300 CPU, and an R9 280 GPU. I would think that both of those should be more than capable of recording at 1080p 60fps using the VCE... I checked my CPU usage, and it fluctuates between 40-60 percent usage. Tomb Raider is what I'm testing with, and when not recording my CPU usage is between 20-30. My GPU sits around 60% usage, but that's mostly the game. Recording only uses about 5-10%. Would you happen to have any suggestions?

blueskynolen commented 9 years ago

I want to add that I tried using the "Quality" quickset just to see how that affected my recording... there was no change at all, and you said in your settings description that "Quality" should have a much lower recorded frame rate than "Speed". How odd...

jackun commented 9 years ago

...my CPU usage, and it fluctuates between 40-60 percent usage...

That seems too much. Are you using OpenCL ( "Use for NV12 conversion" is checked) ?

blueskynolen commented 9 years ago

Yep. I have speedy math checked too.

blueskynolen commented 9 years ago

I've tried MSI Afterburner, OBS, and Bandicam. I've turned the settings upside down, and while I was able to get the CPU usage much lower, I still can't get a solid 60 fps. I don't have any possible idea how to make this work since I've tried pretty much everything. At this point, I think it's a matter of wanting what I can't have. Perhaps it's because this is still a new technology and a proper driver update is needed to give full 1080p 60fps support, or perhaps the VCE encoder on my GPU just doesn't have the raw power to do it. Oh well. Thanks for the help though. If this ever works one day, I'll post here letting you know how it happened.