jackun / openencodevfw

No longer a VFW (video for windows) frontend for AMD VCE H264 encoder
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Encoder not showing up (32bit and 64bit) #28

Closed DieWeiseEule closed 8 years ago

DieWeiseEule commented 8 years ago


Wanted to just load the VFW-interface to see, what options the encoder offers, but can't see it in any program (tried Bandicam, VDub32 and Vdub64).

Do I need to have an AMD card already installed (or the driver) to actually be able to see it, or should it already show up? I already installed the MSVC++ 2013 runtimes. Encoder installed everything without any errors (I ran it as admin). (OS is Windows 8.1 64bit.)

I will have and AMD card in a few days, and want to test this encoder to see if I'll keep it. But maybe someone can already answer this question: Is it possible to encode a lossless 1080p/60fps stream with an R9 390 with this encoder? (Not to stream, but to save on an HDD.)

jackun commented 8 years ago

This version is deprecated, only works with pre-15.7 drivers. Go here.

But you can run the configuration dialog from command line (in case of TestAMFVFW): rundll32 TestAMFVFW.dll,Configure (if i remembered to add that)

DieWeiseEule commented 8 years ago

Ah, ok. Thx! Will check this out.