jackun / openencodevfw

No longer a VFW (video for windows) frontend for AMD VCE H264 encoder
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TestAMFVFW showing up in Sherlock but not in Dxtory. #29

Closed HadiKiwi closed 8 years ago

HadiKiwi commented 8 years ago

I have re-installed CCC 15.7.1 like ten times now and AMF isn't showing up in Dxtory. It does show up in Sherlock though. Can I have some instructions and help for dummies? I'm kind of new to this since I started using VFW 3 months ago. Any help would be seriously appreciated.

jackun commented 8 years ago

Dunno. Just did fresh install of windows, all shows up OK. Try DepWalker on testamfvfw.dlls, see here or check if it finds the runtime dlls with ProcMon and set options to "Path" "contains" "TestAMFVFW", see here for random example image

HadiKiwi commented 8 years ago

It doesn't really look like that. What should I do?

HadiKiwi commented 8 years ago

It does look like it except thereally is another file with the function "Configure" while the one in the example had only "DriverProc"

HadiKiwi commented 8 years ago

Hmmm... TESTAMFVFW is showing up on Bandicam yet it isn't showing up on Dxtory. I guess I need to re-install Dxtory.

jackun commented 8 years ago

In case you didn't, download it again. I added some more registry entries over the weekend in case the 32bit-on-64bit vs plain 64bit or 32bit etc differences make it unable to find the AMF's runtime files path key.

HadiKiwi commented 8 years ago

It worked after re-installing Dxtory and adding that Path in ProcMon. Thanks man! Keep up the great work. :dart:

EDIT: Any donations link?