jackun / openencodevfw

No longer a VFW (video for windows) frontend for AMD VCE H264 encoder
58 stars 12 forks source link

Interested in NVENC VFW? #4

Closed oscarbg closed 10 years ago

oscarbg commented 10 years ago

Hi, thanks for this great project! don't know if you are motivated enough to do either a new NVENC VFW project or add NVENC and rename project to gpuencodevfw or similar.. perhaps not should be much work using this project as base and you have code knowledge.. if not can you write some guidance on how to add such support? thanks!

jackun commented 10 years ago

I don't have a nvidia card, but if you want to try then start from here. SDK should have some samples. Basic stuff that VFW api needs is in compress.cpp and drvproc.cpp, all the Compress*\ functions (CompressBegin etc), GetState, SetState (that do nothing here :P) and DriverProc (main entry point).