jackw01 / led-control

Advanced WS2812/SK6812 RGB/RGBW LED controller with on-the-fly Python animation programming, web code editor/control interface, 1D, 2D, and 3D display support, and E1.31 sACN support
MIT License
162 stars 35 forks source link

V.2.1.1 don't work with my raspberry version - setup.py don't work #53

Closed xnathan97 closed 11 months ago

xnathan97 commented 11 months ago

Hi, I have a raspberry pi 3b+. I tried to install the version v2.1.1. The hole install works until I ran the setup.py programm. I get this failures: "ERROR Failed buildung wheel for pyfastnoisesimd"

This failure comes, when I use v2.1.1. If i try it with v2.0.0 or lower it worked.

Do you have any ideas? Thank you!

jackw01 commented 11 months ago

Commenting out the line


in setup.py should fix this. This library is not used when running on Raspberry Pi anyways.

xnathan97 commented 11 months ago

Thx it works. But I get the message "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_ledcontrol_rpi_ws281x_driver'" I follow all of your steps. What can I do?

mtows commented 11 months ago

Thx it works.

But I get the message "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_ledcontrol_rpi_ws281x_driver'"

I follow all of your steps. What can I do?

I have the same problem...

jackw01 commented 11 months ago

Please try adding import io to the top of setup.py, rerun python setup.py develop, and see if this resolves the issue.

xnathan97 commented 11 months ago

Thx it works, but after the import io I got the message, Serial Module not found.

I ran "sudo pip install pyserial" an adding "import serial" in the top of setup.py. Then I rerun "sudo python3 setup.py develop" and it works finally. Thx for your help.