Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 9 years ago
HeaderDoc is documented at Apple:
A HeaderDoc comment is an ordinary C comment with a leading bang:
This is headerdoc
It can also have leading * like Java (and it might be preferable for
ObjectivEClipse to put in the leading * for
consistency's sake)
* This is also headerdoc
Unlike JavaDoc, where the first sentence is used as a one-liner and the
remainder is used as text, HeaderDoc
uses @abstract for the one-liner and @description for the full text. You can
also use other @ keywords, like
@class, @function, @method, @interface, @protocol to document those types of
Here's an incomplete list of the headers we should probably support/parse:
* @class ClassName
* @method foo:withBar:andBar:
* @protocol ProtocolName
* @abstract OneLiner for Table of Contents
* @discussion More detailed discussion, possibly multiple lines or following
* @throws ExceptionName
* @param bar The Bar parameter
* @return or @result The Return Value
* @version Version Number (e.g. $Id$ )
* @Updated yyyy-mm-dd When it was last touched
There are others, which we might want to have as keywords for auto-completion,
but probably leave to a
subsequent iteration to complete:
* @struct StructName
* @typedef TypeDefName
* @union UnionName
* @var GlobalVarName
* @enum EnumName
* @file FileName
* @framework FrameworkName
* @functiongroup Function Group name (like #pragma mark blocks?)
* @const ConstantName
* @define or @defined HashDef Name
* @field FIeldName (structs etc.)
* @deprecated Deprecated In Version Foo
There's also esoteric support for inclusion in different versions of a product:
* @availabilitymacro DEFINED Shows up as Available In: String if DEFINED is
Original comment by
on 30 Jul 2009 at 8:49
We could do extra parsing of the comment header whilst we do the parsing - in
the meantime, we can get it
out of the translation unit as a string for the comment.
Hovers are contributed via the UI plugin as follows:
The one that's currently used is CSourceHover, which is what gets instantiated
at the moment. The
CDocHeader doesn't appear to give anything at present, but it may be possible
that we can hook into
delivering the documentation into the help system. The CHelpProviderManager
maintains a cache of data,
and it's possible we can just feed the items into there. There is a HelpInfo
which can contributed Help
Original comment by
on 31 Jul 2009 at 9:21
For those tracking this bug, I've committed r139 which allows you to put /*! as
the start of a HeaderDoc
block, and above a function and a method, generate a HeaderDoc template. I've
not yet completed the full
list of HeaderDoc tags, nor does it work above classes (or file headers) at the
This will temporarily affect mouse-overs that will display a standard C header
and source code, though I'm
hoping to improve that subsequently.
In order to see this, you'll need to change the document handler to be
'headerdoc' in the project, by right-
clicking on the project and going to C/C++ General, enabling project specific
settings, and selecting
'HeaderDoc' from the drop-down list.
This will be the default on Mac platforms eventually going forward unless
anyone objects.
Original comment by
on 5 Aug 2009 at 10:08
Original issue reported on by
on 24 Jul 2009 at 8:14