jacob-8 / kitbook

Documentation, Prototyping, Inspection & Testing Workbench Tool for Svelte (SvelteKit Storybook alternative)
MIT License
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🈷️ Svelte 5 Migration #42

Open oneezy opened 2 weeks ago

oneezy commented 2 weeks ago


Clear description of the requested feature

With the recent Svelte Summit Spring talk, Svelte 5 has been moved into Release Candidate (RC) stage. How hard would it be to migrate Kitbook from 4 -> 5 ?

Suggested solution

Create breaking version change for Kitbook to use for Svelte v5


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jacob-8 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm very interested in making it work for Svelte 5. It would be trivial to make the variants, compositions, and documentation aspects work in Svelte 5. However, presently the Viewer aspect is blocked because it relies on Svelte internals. Read this comment to learn more. Since the internals are radically different now, I'm not even sure that what I'm doing in building up a component tree w/ associated elements is possible yet. Edit: not possible yet. However, since they officially support that svelte-devtools and @ignatiusmb is on the core team I'm confident that they will provide a way to accomplish this by the time 5.0 is released. Whatever ends up working for svelte-devtools will also work for Kitbook.

In the meantime, feel free to fork the project and release a Kitbook version w/o the Viewer. I'll update the docs to help people use it. I however, have projects in production that need to wait until 5.0, and I only like using Kitbook on real projects. I find it's not helpful for me to maintain a release that I'm not actually using myself as there's much higher likelihood of unnoticed bugs.

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jacob-8 commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, this task depends on https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/issues/11389

oneezy commented 2 weeks ago

thanks! yeah, i've also had my ui lib break because of svelte/internals. thanks for the links, will keep an eye out!