jacob-grahn / platform-racing-2-server

Multiplayer server for Platform Racing 2
MIT License
49 stars 17 forks source link

Malicious pull requests, framing, cringe, drama, etc. etc. #489

Closed Stardox closed 6 years ago

Stardox commented 6 years ago

*cough* *cough* Hello dear readers,

I am creating this thread to give some more insight into recent events from my own point of view.

Yes yes, I know this is used to discuss project related issues however I am posting it here anyways because this is pretty much the only communication channel which is still taken seriously and is also closest to Jiggmin himself.

1.) Short summary of recent events (okay, not that short)

On 8th March, I (together with others) got following ban for botting for 1 year: https://pr2hub.com/bans/show_record.php?ban_id=95913 I said to myself "okay, had it coming eventually" and therefore I did not appeal against the ban. The bans got shortened to 1 month after few days.

However on 18th March, I received another ban this time for "Attempting to sneak exploits into the server via github, aiding in the theft of accounts": https://pr2hub.com/bans/show_record.php?ban_id=95979 I had no idea what this meant at first so I did a quick search on the PR2 Discord. It looks like Staff Team think, that I am creating malicious pull requests on Jiggmins repository. Here are few examples that I found: https://github.com/jacob-grahn/platform-racing-2-server/pull/271 https://github.com/jacob-grahn/platform-racing-2-server/pull/345 Here are few other examples, however looks like they are not longer accessible: https://github.com/jacob-grahn/platform-racing-2-server/pull/284 https://github.com/jacob-grahn/platform-racing-2-server/pull/325 https://github.com/jacob-grahn/platform-racing-2-server/pull/330 https://github.com/jacob-grahn/platform-racing-2-server/pull/355

So I have created Ask A Mod thread on JV2 forum explaining the situation to the PR2 Staff and to get some more answers. The investigation took about 1 week and there were no questions or anything discussed with me during that time. The investigation ended up with something along the lines "Fk u, we have video evidence of you admitting. Stay banned.". I wanted to see the video myself because it was obviously fake, however I was told that "Video is confidential and the investigation is over boi. Cya.". I did not get any more details related to the video mentioned. Whether it is video of PR2, Discord, JV2 or whatever. Here is quick video that I made to show how easy it is to create fake PR2 evidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TETvKmS39x4 I am sure it is also possible to fake JV2/Discord vids if someone really wanted to... And regarding "aiding in the theft of accounts", I never got answer to that from the Staff Team. As I already mentioned in the AAM thread - I am far from being nice guy, however I never scammed anyone. I have also never been toxic to anyone without having arguments with them previously.

Shortly afterwards I have sent Jiggmin himself details about this case. I sent him 3 e-mails (1 initial one and 2 reminders), however he never replied back to me. That is also one of the reasons why I created the thread here on github.

I also contacted the GitHub support and asked them whether they could compare IPs of authors of the pull requests with some other github accounts that I was suspicious of. They eventually got back to me that they cannot give me any sensitive information apart from what is already publicly available. Pretty much shot in the dark, but I tried.

2.) Shadow Z, imperonation, etc.

In some of the messages on PR2 Discord I seen that people think either that I am Shadow Z or that I am working with Shadow Z to create these pull requests. Neither of this is true. I however do have few messages exchanged with Discord user Shadow Z [Real]#1720. However the last time that I heard from him was back in January and it was him asking whether I know how to get macro setup. I did not hear from him since then. We never discussed anything related to sneaking bugs into PR2. Next up, I see messages stating that Shadow Z [Real] is actually impostor...

I was also impersonated in the past, here are few examples. On XAT, the guy copied my old JV avatar and even posted my internet speed test results there: https://forum.xat.com/profile/43786-stardox/ On XAT Chat and on PR3 reborn (following post is made by me): http://forums.acidch.at/showthread.php?tid=1500&pid=48840#pid48840 On PR2 while I was already banned: https://pr2hub.com/bans/show_record.php?ban_id=95929 https://pr2hub.com/bans/show_record.php?ban_id=96077

3.) Conclusion

I just wanted to explicitly say once again that I am not the one who is creating these troll pull requests/comments and I also did not steal any accounts from anyone... The only thing that I deserve to be banned for is botting/abusing the server bugs to rank up fast. I therefore suggest following steps:

  1. I will work with Jiggmin to pinpoint all my accounts that I have botted / ranked up using exploit. He can afterwards reset their rank and remove the bodyparts. Examples: PSTest01 (already deranked from 127 to 27), AuthorityOfTheGods, IlTllIITlIITTlITlTII, ....
  2. Lift and delete the following ban: https://pr2hub.com/bans/show_record.php?ban_id=95979
  3. Re-ban me for botting for 1 year / eternity / whatever, lets just end this.

@jacob-grahn , I have been fan of your game for 8 years, even if the ban will stay can you at least read this post? Thanks.

Stardox / Dr. SLAY

AlphaZee commented 6 years ago

I know this doesn't count as evidence towards Stardox's case, but I can firmly stand by what he's said. I've known star for quite some time and I know he isn't the type of person to attempt sneaking in exploits. Star is a genuine person. Please get back to him Jiggy.

Stxtics commented 6 years ago

I usually don't bother getting involved in these but I will anyway.

  1. After looking through the ask a mod thread of your ban appeal I can see that no staff member acted in the way that you quoted and you were even told you could appeal the ban again after 6 months from the original ban date, so almost like a second chance.
  2. Regarding both those bans done by me. In the first one after you messaged me about it saying it wasn't you, I put that in the mod note of the ban, however it is a little suspicious how you found out so soon after the ban. And with the second one I banned that for b/e as someone else even though it is the same account but at the time the mod tools showed me something that they do not currently (regarding IPs).
  3. Regarding your ban, the evidence I see in the mod note is the same evidence from when you got banned straight away which I do not think proves you did what you did. I believe that more evidence was given from what I can see in your ask a mod thread but it was not added to the mod notes.
  4. NVM is it alphaz
Stardox commented 6 years ago


Regarding point 1: Yes you are actually right, just re-checked the thread. After bls closed the thread, I PM'd him directly on JV2 and thats actually where I got that info from. Also please note me using "along the lines" in my post here on Github.

Regarding point 2: I was online on Discord at the time you banned that account. It happened shortly after Yellowfin got banned and it was discussed a little bit either on official PR2 discord or on Firefight's one, not sure right now on which. So thats how I knew so quick.

Regarding point 3: Sorry, not sure what you mean.

Regarding point 4: Guess we will have to wait until AlphaZ goes online on Discord / PR2.

famelegend1 commented 6 years ago

"So many impersonators, geez Nobody seems to believe I'm innocent, and it doesn't take much for a framer to convince mods to ban people off of suspicion I'm out, PR2 has the most foolish staff team I've ever seen now"

bls1999 commented 6 years ago

The investigation ended up with something along the lines "Fk u, we have video evidence of you admitting. Stay banned.". I wanted to see the video myself because it was obviously fake, however I was told that "Video is confidential and the investigation is over boi. Cya.".

This is not the manner in which I conveyed the message to you, and I don't appreciate being misrepresented as being rude to you at any point here.

While we've given you a decision already (and we're not required to reopen the investigation), I'll speak with some of the other staff again and let you know what we decide. I'm not promising that this will yield anything.

Stardox commented 6 years ago

@bls1999, thanks. I would just like to point out once again that I have been playing this game for 8 years and I really had no motivation to start stealing accounts and submitting shitty pull requests after all this time.

Also as I mentioned in my post, I am willing to work with Jiggy to de-rank my botted accounts and get rebanned, but with proper ban reason. I just want the ass-pull ban to be deleted. I really dont know what made you guys so adamant in this whole case...