jacob-long / jtools

Tools for summarizing/visualizing regressions and other helpful stuff
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot plot interactions with multiple imputed datasets #124

Open samuelsaari opened 3 years ago

samuelsaari commented 3 years ago

Feature request: cat_plot & interact_plot do not support pooled regression objects (eg. mipo objects). It would be great if it did as there does not seem to be any other package available that would.

More info: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67635243/plotting-an-interaction-term-in-moderated-regression-using-mice-imputation & https://gist.github.com/samuelsaari/a3be910f57469c7a001ceab9ffef6d6c

jacob-long commented 2 years ago

I'm feeling pretty pessimistic about my ability to support this. mice's pooled models do not offer any of the expected functions you'd expect from a "normal" model: no predict(), no vcov(), no coef(), etc. Creating those from scratch could be rather labor-intensive and error-prone (for me). I'm not sure, for instance, whether it makes sense to think of an averaged variance-covariance matrix.

Because this would mostly require work in the jtools package (its make_predictions() function is essential to producing the plots in interactions), I'm going to move it there.

jacob-long commented 1 month ago

As I check back in on this, I'll mention that the good folks over at mice seem to be thinking about the problem that was holding me back when I last commented here. I'll keep an eye out for updates from them.


Solomon Kurz's blog post may be a useful reference down the line also.