Closed SteffenMumme closed 4 months ago
Hi, I'm having trouble replicating the issue.
Here's what I'm doing, so maybe I'm just misunderstanding some aspect of your problem.
lfit_poly <- lmer(cty ~ poly(displ, 2) + year + cyl + class + fl + drv + (drv + year | manufacturer), data = mpg)
effect_plot(lfit_poly, displ, partial.residuals = T)
Now I can get an error when I use poly(x, 2, raw = TRUE)
. I'm not sure why this is but it will be a low priority for now since I know the raw = FALSE
version works.
Is there any possibity to use the effect plot with the partial residual function also for a model involving 2 random slope terms? It works brilliant for models with one random slpoe term, but not with 2. Just asking, as I might just have not fully understood the underlying problem. Additionally also it does not seem to work when including a polynomial predictor term (poly(variable, 2, raw = TRUE)), any ideas how this could work?