jacob1421 / Twitch-IRC-API

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Header File and Stack Overflow problem #2

Open Feindfluglp opened 4 years ago

Feindfluglp commented 4 years ago

hello, in the file have you change "#include "twitch_irc_api.h" to "#include "../include/twitch_irc_api.h" the file its not in the include folder.

and a problem whit stack overflow. the funktion "onUserNotice" its not running and make a stack overflow. in a channel whit mutch user. her ist the stack overflow message in serial monitor:

23:26:07.581 -> ---------------------------------------------------
23:26:07.581 -> 
23:26:07.581 -> =USERNOTICE=
23:26:07.581 -> 
23:26:07.581 -> Badges Info
23:26:07.581 ->     -Badge Name: subscriber Version: 13
23:26:07.581 -> 
23:26:07.581 -> Badges
23:26:07.581 ->     -Badge Name: subscriber Version: 12
23:26:07.581 -> 
23:26:07.581 -> Emote Chat Set
23:26:07.581 -> Color: #B8B500
23:26:07.581 -> Display Name: xDarkner
23:26:07.581 -> Id: c0b7f37e-d073-4b6c-a544-0006f58beff9
23:26:07.616 -> Login: xdarkner
23:26:07.616 -> Mod: 0
23:26:07.616 -> Msg_Id: resub
23:26:07.616 -> Room_Id: 45044816
23:26:07.616 -> System_Msg: xDarkner\ssubscribed\sat\sTier\s1.\sThey've\ssubscribed\sfor\s13\smonths!
23:26:07.616 -> Tmi Sent Ts: 1590787576185
23:26:07.616 -> User_Id: 75436793
23:26:07.616 -> Channel_Name: montanablack88
23:26:07.616 -> 
23:26:07.616 -> 
23:26:07.616 -> Exception (28):
23:26:07.616 -> epc1=0x40217816 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000
23:26:07.616 -> 
23:26:07.616 -> >>>stack>>>
23:26:07.616 -> 
23:26:07.616 -> ctx: cont
23:26:08.103 -> <<<stack<<<
23:26:08.103 -> 
23:26:08.103 ->  ets Jan  8 2013,rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6)
23:26:08.103 -> 
23:26:08.103 -> load 0x4010f000, len 1384, room 16 
23:26:08.103 -> tail 8
23:26:08.103 -> chksum 0x2d
23:26:08.103 -> csum 0x2d
23:26:08.103 -> vbc204a9b
23:26:08.103 -> ~ld
Feindfluglp commented 4 years ago

the esp make after this stack overflow, restart.

Josephur commented 4 years ago

I'm also seeing stack overflows on certain events such as subscriber, Bits works fine though.

Josephur commented 4 years ago

I have found if I comment out the Emote and Badges information it becomes stable if that helps anyone. If I quit being lazy and find the exact issue I'll post it. I have a feeling it's a NULL pointer or something similar in the data.

F1lraen commented 4 years ago

Could you please tell me where you commented the Emote and Badge informations ? I'm experiencing the same problem. Here is tthe message I get:

`Connecting to: wss://irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv:443 Successfully connected to: wss://irc-ws.chat.twitch.tv:443 Handshaking with Twitch.. Read to go! Connected to channel: amen0thes as User: Imh0tep Prime Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

--------------- CUT HERE FOR EXCEPTION DECODER ---------------

Exception (28): epc1=0x40211a76 epc2=0x00000000 epc3=0x00000000 excvaddr=0x00000000 depc=0x00000000



Thanks :)

Josephur commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure commenting them out has resolved the issue for me, are you guys doing other intensive operations or have any delay()s in your code? I was trying to drive LEDs on a strip that had delay() in them but if I run the code with only the Twitch IRC API doing things it seemed to be way more stable.. Going to try using tasks and dual core ESP32 CPU and see if that helps at all..