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Reduce the amount of scratches needed to break a door to 2? #190

Closed HighCookie closed 7 years ago

MattNF commented 8 years ago


HighCookie commented 8 years ago

is that a Yes or a Why

If its a why, some maps where there are closed in section where there are a lot of doors infected struggle to get damage because they either have to spawn down a hall and get focused by uzi or spawn behind a door and get killed before they can get through.

2 scratches lets infected get through the door, while still giving the survivors enough warning that there won't be free damaging getting handed out.

DK map 3, just before spawn room is one of the notable spots, infected cant really attack there because it takes them just far too long to get through the doors. so their only options are from the swan room or from behind.

EQ uses 1 scratch on doors and I would agree that is overpowered, infected land far too easily with 1 scratch but with 3, breaking through a door isn't really an option at all. basically I think it adds variety to infected play without punishing survivor's too harshly.

Attano commented 8 years ago

I disagree. Caution and awareness is everything. In movies and cinematic games, armed heroes always thoroughly prepare before going through the door. When they do, they do it fast and instantly draw their guns. Same here, except you should expect danger even in close proximity to the door.

jbzdarkid commented 8 years ago

Well unsurprisingly, visor believes the value in his config is correct. I don't think 3->1 is a good jump to be making, even if it's the "correct" option.

Attano commented 8 years ago

An opinion is an opinion, not a fact to be disputed. You have a problem with that?

jbzdarkid commented 8 years ago

I don't have a problem with an opinion being an opinion. I do have a problem with jumping 3->1 as I said.

Attano commented 8 years ago

I'm not a stripper source professional so I can't be bothered adding new props and so on. With doors I saw a cheap and effective opportunity of turning them into weaker versions of "SI" walls, like the one before the one-way drop on c2m3. The strategy is similar: pretend you're not there, spawn at the right moment, get rid of the wall/door in one hit and attack.

As a matter of fact, at some point a discussion was held in this regard. The doors were meant to be removed altogether from promod, on all maps(except saferoom doors naturally).

MattNF commented 8 years ago

I was one of the people that brought up removing doors, but then changed my mind against it for 3 reasons:

  1. I didn't want to continue down the "remove everything!" path.
  2. I didn't think the survivors needed to be nerfed even more / infected buffed.
  3. Doors create a more dynamic spawning system.

I'm sorta against this change because of reason 2. Doesn't seem like a necessary change imo.

Attano commented 8 years ago

Then again, how many popular competitive games have traditional doors? Actual doors, not portals, automatic gates and so on. The stuff that you have to press in order to open.

Doors are shit. The are used to cheat on SI by baiting them to attack, then shutting them in their face(good example -- boiler room on c2m3). It's a lot worse in hunter configs, including L4D1. I clearly remember the attitude towards that in L4D1: it was labeled as "gay". I prefer straight features.

MattNF commented 8 years ago

All the counter strike games.

Attano commented 8 years ago

When I put "doors in counter strike" in google it didn't give me many examples of actual interactive doors. From what I can tell most maps don't have them or try to avoid them, but I'm not a CS player to know for certain.

MattNF commented 8 years ago

They aren't as common as in L4D, but they're there. Here's two examples, one from Nuke and one from Cache.

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=590160518 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=590160625

They start closed by default and make a loud squeaky noise when you open them, alerting others to your presence. They can also be shot through and broken like in L4D. Very strategic.

Attano commented 8 years ago

Interesting. They even look a lot better than L4D doors lol

MattNF commented 8 years ago

Everything in CSGO maps is better. I soon plan on backporting CSGO models into Hard Rain Downpour because they're much higher quality.

MattNF commented 7 years ago

Since new promod will be building off of Acemod v4, this issue can be closed (doors will be left at 1 scratch to destroy)