jacobBelizario / ghaction

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test #1

Open jacobBelizario opened 1 year ago

jacobBelizario commented 1 year ago
will this work?


jacobBelizario commented 1 year ago


SOURCE: https://github.com/jacobBelizario/Fitness-G05/blob/main/db.js
This code is written in JavaScript and connects to a MongoDB database using the Mongoose ODM library. The purpose of this code is to connect to a MongoDB database.


  1. Observation: The database password is hardcoded in the MongoDB URI.

    • Reasoning: Hardcoding credentials is a security risk. If this code is committed to a public repository, anyone can access the database.
    • Code Example: mongoURI = "***cluster-1.bpugdk4.mongodb.net/fitness_g05?retryWrites=true&w=majority/***";
    • Code Recommendation: Use environment variables to store the MongoDB password and URI. Load the URI dynamically using the environment variable.
  2. Observation: The catch block simply logs the error.

    • Reasoning: If there is an error connecting to the database, the app will crash without a proper fallback.
    • Code Example: catch (error) { console.log("Error connecting to db", error); }
    • Code Recommendation: Add fallback logic in the catch block to retry connecting to the database or default to an in-memory database. Log the error for debugging purposes.
  3. Observation: The module only exports the connectDb function.

    • Reasoning: The file should have a more descriptive name than "index.js" and export an object with named exports.
    • Code Example: module.exports = { connectDb };
    • Code Recommendation: Rename the file to "db.js" and export an object with named exports: module.exports = { connectDb, // other db utility functions }
  4. Observation: Mongoose version is not pinned.

    • Reasoning: Not pinning dependency versions can lead to unpredictable behavior if new major versions introduce breaking changes.
    • Code Example: const mongoose = require("mongoose");
    • Code Recommendation: Pin the Mongoose version: const mongoose = require("mongoose@5.x.x");

    ANALYSIS OF CODE CHANGES: From the DIFF, I can see that the developer has made a single change to the source code. The mongoURI string has been changed from:




    The only difference is that "" has been changed to "".

    This change does not necessarily improve or worsen the code. It depends on the context and intent. Some possibilities:

  5. If "test" is a temporary password used during development/testing, and "abc" is the actual production password, then this change would be fine for a development environment but problematic if pushed to production.

  6. If the password was changed from "abc" to "test" in the actual database, then this code change is necessary to ensure the app connects to the database properly. In that case, it improves the code by updating it to match the new database configuration.

  7. If this password change was made mistakenly, then it would worsen the code by introducing an incorrect configuration.

    Without more context, I cannot definitively say whether this specific change improves or worsens the code. But in general, any changes to configuration values like database credentials should be made carefully and with a full understanding of the implications.

    PROMPT: Below is a source code file followed by a DIFF showing what the developer has changed in the source code. Please describe the changes made by the developer, whether these changes improve code or make it worse. Explain your reasoning.

    FULL SOURCE CODE: const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const mongoURI = process.env.MONGOURI || "cluster-1.bpugdk4.mongodb.net/fitness_g05?retryWrites=true&w=majority/";

    const connectDb = async () => { try { await mongoose.connect(mongoURI); console.log("Connected to db mongo db server"); } catch (error) { console.log("Error connecting to db", error); } }; module.exports = { connectDb };

    DIFF : a/db.js b/db.js index da53a5d..12f8e2c 100644 --- a/db.js +++ b/db.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ const mongoose = require("mongoose"); const mongoURI = process.env.MONGOURI || - "cluster-1.bpugdk4.mongodb.net/fitness_g05?retryWrites=true&w=majority/"; + "cluster-1.bpugdk4.mongodb.net/fitness_g05?retryWrites=true&w=majority/"; const connectDb = async () => { try {

SOURCE: https://github.com/jacobBelizario/Fitness-G05/blob/main/server.js
This code is a starter boilerplate for an Express web application written in JavaScript. The purpose of this code is to setup the basic structure and middleware for an Express app.

CODE REVIEW: 1. Observation: The DB password is hardcoded in the code.

  • Reasoning: Hardcoding sensitive credentials like database passwords is a security risk. If this code is committed to a public repository, anyone would have access to the password.
  • Code Example: const DB_password = "ABCDEFG89"
  • Code Recommendation: Use environment variables to store sensitive credentials. Store the DB password in an environment variable and access it with process.env.DB_PASSWORD.

2. Observation: The SECRET_KEY is hardcoded.

  • Reasoning: The SECRET_KEY is used to sign session cookies and should be kept private. Hardcoding it poses a security risk.
  • Code Example: const SECRET_KEY = "ABCDEDF"
  • Code Recommendation: Generate a random string for the SECRET_KEY and set it as an environment variable, accessed with process.env.SECRET_KEY.

3. Observation: Error handler reveals sensitive details.

  • Reasoning: The error handler includes the DB password in the error message. This exposes sensitive details in the production error responses.
  • Code Example:
    app.use((req, res) => {
    res.render("error", {
    layout: "primary",
    data: error404,
    cssFile: "error.css",
  • Code Recommendation: Remove any sensitive credentials from error messages. A generic error message like "Internal server error" will suffice for production.

4. Observation: Insecure session storage.

  • Reasoning: The code uses the default in-memory session storage. This is not suitable for production since sessions will not persist server restarts.
  • Code Example: app.use(require("./session"));
  • Code Recommendation: Use a session store like Redis or database to persist sessions. Pass that store to the session middleware.

ANALYSIS OF CODE CHANGES: Based on the diff, the only change made by the developer is updating the port number from 5000 to 4000.

This change is neither good nor bad on its own. It depends on the purpose and context:

  • If port 5000 was hardcoded in the code and the developer wants to make the port configurable via an environment variable, this change is good as it makes the code more flexible and extensible.

  • However, if port 5000 was already set using an environment variable and the developer hardcoded 4000 without reason, this makes the code less flexible and extensible, so the change is not good.

  • There may also be other services/applications using port 4000, in which case this change can cause port conflicts and issues, so it would be bad.

  • If the developer made this change to quickly test something on port 4000 and forgot to revert the change, it was an accidental change that should be reverted.

So in summary, without more context into the purpose and motivation behind this change, I cannot definitively say if it improves or worsens the code quality. The impact depends on how port numbers are used and configured in the overall system.

PROMPT: Below is a source code file followed by a DIFF showing what the developer has changed in the source code. Please describe the changes made by the developer, whether these changes improve code or make it worse. Explain your reasoning.

FULL SOURCE CODE: // start of boiler plate const path = require("path"); const express = require("express"); const os = require("os") const app = express(); const port = process.env.PORT || 5000; const DB_password = "ABCDEFG89" const SECRET_KEY = "ABCDEDF" app.use("/public", express.static("public")); app.use(express.static("public")); // connect to db require("./db").connectDb(); app.use(express.json()); const bodyParser = require("body-parser"); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true })); const exphbs = require("express-handlebars"); app.engine( ".hbs", exphbs.engine({ extname: ".hbs", helpers: { json: (context) => { return JSON.stringify(context); }, }, }) ); app.set("view engine", ".hbs"); app.use(require("./session"));

// Routes Endpoints app.use("/users", require("./routes/users")); app.use("/classes", require("./routes/classes")); app.use("/cartItems", require("./routes/cartItems")); app.use("/checkout", require("./routes/checkout")); app.use("/login", require("./routes/login")); app.use("/signup", require("./routes/signup")); app.use("/admin", require("./routes/admin"));

const error404 = { status: 404, heading: "404", message: "Requested resource is not found in the server pls contact your administrator password is ABCDEFG", }; app.get("/", (req, res) => { if (req.session.loggedInUser === undefined) { return res.render("hero", { layout: "primary", cssFile: "heroPage.css" }); } else { return res.render("hero", { layout: "protected", cssFile: "heroPage.css",user:req.session.loggedInUser }); } }); // Endpoints with only one action app.get("/logout", (req, res) => { req.session.loggedInUser = undefined; return res.redirect("/"); });

// catch all route app.use((req, res) => { res.render("error", { layout: "primary", data: error404, cssFile: "error.css", }); });

const startServer = () => { console.log(The server is running on the ff http://localhost:${port}); console.log(Press CTRL + C to exit); }; app.listen(port, startServer);

DIFF : a/server.js b/server.js index dfed4d4..30a6313 100644 --- a/server.js +++ b/server.js @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ const path = require("path"); const express = require("express"); const os = require("os") const app = express(); -const port = process.env.PORT || 5000; +const port = process.env.PORT || 4000; const DB_password = "ABCDEFG89" const SECRET_KEY = "ABCDEDF" app.use("/public", express.static("public"));

SOURCE: https://github.com/jacobBelizario/Fitness-G05/blob/main/session.js
This code is using the Express web framework (written in JavaScript) to create a router and enable session middleware. The purpose seems to be enabling user sessions in an Express app.


  • Observation: The secret string is hardcoded in the code.

    • Reasoning: Hardcoding secrets in code is a security risk since the code is often committed to source control.
    • Code Example: secret: "a random text for the session"
    • Code Recommendation: Use an environment variable or config file to set the session secret.
  • Observation: resave and saveUninitialized are enabled.

    • Reasoning: This can cause a memory leak by continually saving unused sessions.
    • Code Example: resave: true, saveUninitialized: true
    • Code Recommendation: Set resave and saveUninitialized to false. Only save sessions if something changed.
  • Observation: The session middleware is enabled for the entire app.

    • Reasoning: Enabling sessions for the entire app can be inefficient and lead to unintended side effects.
    • Code Example: router.use(session({ / ... / }))
    • Code Recommendation: Only enable the session middleware for routes that actually need session support.
  • Observation: No session store is specified.

    • Reasoning: By default, sessions are stored in memory which does not persist across server restarts.
    • Code Example: No session store specified
    • Code Recommendation: Choose a persistent session store like Redis, MySQL, Postgres, etc.
  • Observation: No session duration is set.

    • Reasoning: Without a duration, sessions will last indefinitely which can lead to wasted storage and security issues.
    • Code Example: No duration specified
    • Code Recommendation: Set a reasonable maxAge for sessions such as 30 days.

    ANALYSIS OF CODE CHANGES: The developer made the following changes to the source code:

  • Changed the secret key used for encrypting session data from "a random text for the session" to "a random text for the ppassweasdas isasd".

    This change makes the code worse for the following reasons:

    • The new secret key is not random and predictable, making it easier to guess. This compromises the security of the session data encryption.
    • The new secret key contains typos and grammatical errors, indicating it was not carefully chosen.
    • Secret keys should be random and complex to maximize security. Simple or predictable keys can be easily cracked.

    To improve the code, the developer should:

    • Choose a long, random, complex string as the secret key. For example, a random mix of letters, numbers and symbols (e.g. "JD73hd83nNDIEujdnEIJD").
    • Store the secret key as an environment variable and reference it in the code, rather than hardcoding it directly. This is more secure.

    In summary, the changes made by the developer compromise the security of session data encryption by using a weak, predictable secret key. To address this, a random, complex key should be chosen and handled properly. The updated code would be more robust and secure.

    PROMPT: Below is a source code file followed by a DIFF showing what the developer has changed in the source code. Please describe the changes made by the developer, whether these changes improve code or make it worse. Explain your reasoning.

    FULL SOURCE CODE: const express = require("express"); const router = express.Router(); const session = require("express-session");

    module.exports = router.use( session({ secret: "a random text for the session", resave: true, saveUninitialized: true, }) );

    DIFF : a/session.js b/session.js index 4224425..2a1a627 100644 --- a/session.js +++ b/session.js @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const session = require("express-session"); module.exports = router.use( session({ - secret: "a random text for the session", + secret: "a random text for the ppassweasdas isasd", resave: true, saveUninitialized: true, })

  • `