jacobadenbaum / TexTables.jl

Publication quality regression and statistical tables
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Feature Request: Double Lines for Headers #6

Open jacobadenbaum opened 6 years ago

jacobadenbaum commented 6 years ago

It would be nice to have an option like the following:

to_tex(table, border=:double)

Where the top and bottom borders of the table (which are printed as \toprule and \bottomrule by default) would be replaced with \hline \hline.

This shouldn't take much effort to do. Just need to add an extra option to TableParams with an appropriate default, and change the head and foot methods accordingly.

duncanhobbs commented 5 years ago

Is this an issue you would like some help on? I have written some code that may address the issue. I don't have too much experience writing julia code but I am trying to get better.

jacobadenbaum commented 5 years ago

Sure! It's always welcome. This issue just hasn't been high up on my to do list -- grad school has taken over. Feel free to make a PR if you have code that does this.

If you have any questions, I'm happy to help