jacobbo / WebEye

WebEye is a collection of .NET controls.
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NuGet Version of web - Capture graph exception - missing library #64

Open TsukikoChan opened 4 years ago

TsukikoChan commented 4 years ago

I'm using the Nuget version of the Webeye.controls.wpf.webcameracontrol (v.10.3) on win10 and when I start capture using a webcameraid I get an exception:


b__0() : Exception : Failed to run a capture graph. (System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8007001F): Class not registered Class not registered StackTrace: " at WebEye.Controls.Wpf.DirectShowProxy.Start() in D:\\dev\\GitHub\\WebEye\\WebCameraControl\\WPF\\WebCameraControl\\DirectShowProxy.cs:line 217\r\n at WebEye.Controls.Wpf.WebCameraControl.StartCapture(WebCameraId camera) in D:\\dev\\GitHub\\WebEye\\WebCameraControl\\WPF\\WebCameraControl\\WebCameraControl.xaml.cs:line 150\r\n at .<>c__DisplayClass10_0.b__0() in (---------).xaml.cs:line xxx" Is this a known issue or am I missing a pre-requisite library? Thanks Holly