jacobbo / WebEye

WebEye is a collection of .NET controls.
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Memory leak when using GetCurrentFrame #68

Closed aganemnam closed 4 years ago

aganemnam commented 4 years ago

My Application growth on ram when i use GetCurrentFrame in timer. How i can get frames (Bitmap\png) as soon as posible with no lags and memory leaks ?

jacobbo commented 4 years ago

Can you run this project and see if ram is increasing? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LuZ5uIKYDfXNUM35STIbUlzxMFP8qhhp/view?usp=sharing

aganemnam commented 4 years ago

it ist open. But i prepare solution test you can see how memory encreeses when it works https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zq90axsNVlz9GE0voy1l7TkfjxvXjWri/view?usp=sharing

aganemnam commented 4 years ago

@jacobbo Any Issue ?

jacobbo commented 4 years ago

Sorry, did you send me something? Your last link pointing to my zip file. Make sure you dispose images you get from GetCurrentFrame.

aganemnam commented 4 years ago

Issue can be closed. Updated version which located on Nuget ( autored by rymkin) hasn`t such memory leak. Just update from that source