jacobbo / WebEye

WebEye is a collection of .NET controls.
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Is it possible to support switching between the front / back cameras on a tablet device? #81

Open ckrc opened 4 years ago

ckrc commented 4 years ago

I have integrated WebEye into my WPF app and it works great. However, would be even nicer if rotation of front / back cameras can be supported. Throughts?

jacobbo commented 4 years ago

Hello, you mean a button to switch between front and back cameras?

ckrc commented 4 years ago

@jacobbo yes, to switch between front and back cameras. Do you think this is possible?

jacobbo commented 4 years ago

You just need to stop a stream from a front camera, detach the stream from a window, then start a stream from back camera and attach it to the window.

I do think this functionality should be part of the control as one of the goals is to keep it generic and minimalistic.

ckrc commented 4 years ago

@jacobbo That makes sense. Thanks for pointing it out to me.

Can I ask you about zoom in / out feature. Can this be supported?

jacobbo commented 4 years ago

You can easily achieve this using ScaleTransform in WPF, but again, sorry, do not think this should be part of the control.

ckrc commented 4 years ago

Thanks @jacobbo I will try to implement it myself

ckrc commented 4 years ago

Thanks again and I have successfully implemented the zoom feature. @jacobbo