jacobbo / WebEye

WebEye is a collection of .NET controls.
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Memory Leak / Stream not stopping #94

Open cassieve opened 2 years ago

cassieve commented 2 years ago

Hi, On the winforms demo app, if you create another instance of the form. new Form1().Show(); Then stream something rtsp / webcam on the new form, and close said form - the stream appears to carry on (even with the form, closed. Memory usages continuously increases. (Until app eventually crashes) The CPU usage also does not drop back down...

This also happens when you use DetachStream();

How do you properly close/dispose of a stream?

Mer-CassieVE commented 2 years ago

Hi, Upon further investigating I determined that the memory leak seems to happen when you use a local webcam. If you close the popup form, and open it again the above the processor usage does not drop, and the memory usage increases. Using RTSP feeds seem to be OK.