jacobbo / WebEye

WebEye is a collection of .NET controls.
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Crash with Access Violation on resume after failed stream #96

Open rarach opened 1 year ago

rarach commented 1 year ago

Hi, I'm having issues with sporadic crashes of my app using WebEye. This happens when trying to re-StartPlay() after the stream stopped with StreamFailed event (usually with error avformat_open_input() failed: Invalid data found when processing input).

There's no way to catch an exception in C# code. I collected some debug data with Procdump and it points to AccessViolation error.

This happens in some 1/10 cases, the stream mostly resumes correctly. My app often operates in shaky networks with occasional outages and high latencies. But it's quite easy to reproduce on standard environment too, I can help with that if needed.