jacobdufault / cquery

C/C++ language server supporting multi-million line code base, powered by libclang. Emacs, Vim, VSCode, and others with language server protocol support. Cross references, completion, diagnostics, semantic highlighting and more
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Completion Help for c++ on Ubuntu 16.04 #778

Open skopaas opened 6 years ago

skopaas commented 6 years ago

I made a script that gets all (????) the dependencies and files needed to make cquery work with LanguageClient-neovim on Ubuntu 16.04. Can anyone from the developers team test this script on a newly installed Ubuntu v > 16.04 OS? Can anyone check if there's anything missing to make cquery work for a sample c++ project like the one I create on the following shell script?

Here's the script that I made: https://github.com/ganimaedes/Client/blob/master/install_client_server.sh

The script uses a sample CMakeLists.txt , .vimrc/init.vim and settings.json files and tries to create a compile_commands.json and a .cquery files after having installed the LanguageClient-neovim in the appropriate directory if it wasn't already installed. It also modifies the install.sh file from LanguageClient-neovim to prevent any errors during installation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated since there seems to be a bug (?) on ubuntu 16.04 that blocks cquery from completing code as seen by these two posts: https://github.com/cquery-project/cquery/issues/762 & https://github.com/cquery-project/cquery/issues/763 (763 made by myself)

Thank you

innerout commented 6 years ago

Instead of building vim from source why dont you install it with apt-get?

skopaas commented 6 years ago

@innerout Indeed I've tried it out but installing with apt/apt-get doesn't change much. I was thinking maybe there was something missing/or something i wasn't doing right when i decided to install it manually to see if anyone would point to a wrong configuration. I still can't get any completion yet. Thanks for your help

innerout commented 6 years ago

For me this script is not even building cquery.

skopaas commented 6 years ago

@innerout I've changed it to what's proposed with the basic configurations ie :

git clone https://github.com/cquery-project/cquery.git --recursive
cd cquery
git submodule update --init
mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install

Are you able to build cquery using the commands above?

innerout commented 6 years ago

Now cquery builds but there is a problem in your vimrc for sure.

skopaas commented 6 years ago

@innerout yes there was a out of place pair of single quotes (' ') on line 15 of https://github.com/ganimaedes/dot_files/blob/master/.vimrc. Sorry for that, it is corrected now.

innerout commented 6 years ago

It works fine now.

skopaas commented 6 years ago

@innerout Do you mean you can get auto-completion when writing on the sample.cpp ?

innerout commented 6 years ago

Auto completion didn't popup but language server seemed to fire up and work. I think you need an autocomplete plugin that supports lsp in vim (deoplete) in your vimrc but i am not sure as i am not a vim user.

smhc commented 6 years ago

LanguageClient-neovim will start cquery for you. It doesn't need to be started manually. Does cquery exist at '~/cquery/build/cquery' for the current user? It could be an issue with the ~ being mapped to the home dir for root during install, vs home dir for the current user. You may want to change the .vimrc to use /usr/local/bin/cquery instead.

You should be able to complete with ctrl-x ctrl-o. If that works but you aren't getting an 'as you type popup', the problem is just a missing autocomplete plugin. You'd need an additional plugin such as vim-mucomplete, see https://github.com/lifepillar/vim-mucomplete/wiki/Cpp--member-auto-completion