jacobeisenstein / bayes-seg

Java code from the 2008 EMNLP paper "Bayesian Unsupervised Topic Segmentation" by Eisenstein and Barzilay
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issue about language #1

Open dengjl opened 7 years ago

dengjl commented 7 years ago

I am very appreciate for your work. Now I have a problem that when applied it to Chinese materials, it seems not work. And arise such exception

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at edu.mit.nlp.segmenter.dp.I2JInterface.makeDPDoc(I2JInterface.java:14) at edu.mit.nlp.segmenter.dp.BayesWrapper.segmentTexts(BayesWrapper.java:44) at edu.mit.nlp.segmenter.SegTester.main(SegTester.java:131) Usage: SegTester -config config -dir dir -suff suff [-out out] -segmenter <bayes|mcs|ui> -options options

Do you have any idea of this?

reubenbf commented 5 years ago

having a similar issue and need some help as well