jacobjude / Toontown-Rewritten-Trainer

A bot that automates tasks in Toontown Rewritten
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Multi train #2

Open s4sutler100 opened 1 month ago

s4sutler100 commented 1 month ago

Suggestion for feature instead of

" MyGui.Add("Text", "x250 y130", "Position of trick to train:")
MyGui.Add("Edit", "vTrickPositionEdit h17 w40 x390 y129 +ReadOnly") MyGui.Add("UpDown", "vTrickPositionUpDown Range1-7", 2) TrickPositionUpDownObj := MyGui["TrickPositionUpDown"] " Have multiple boxes of the 7 tricks instead of 1 training option.

Open doodle HUD have it know what trick is maxed or missing by solid color. Check for multiple doodles. Also have the bot check for if doodle is hungry or need scratches.
