Closed cocoacrumbs closed 2 years ago
Works for me
$ for opt in 0 1 2 3 s z fast; do ez80-clang -S -O$opt -I ../../../Source/csmith-2.3.0/build/runtime -iquote . test.c -o ez80.asm && fasmg linker_script -i 'source "ez80.asm"' ez80.bin && ./runez80 ez80.bin; done
flat assembler version g.jdp2
11 passes, 0.7 seconds, 1176 bytes.
fmt string
argument 1
argument 2
flat assembler version g.jdp2
11 passes, 0.8 seconds, 1128 bytes.
fmt string
argument 1
argument 2
flat assembler version g.jdp2
11 passes, 0.7 seconds, 1128 bytes.
fmt string
argument 1
argument 2
flat assembler version g.jdp2
11 passes, 0.7 seconds, 1128 bytes.
fmt string
argument 1
argument 2
flat assembler version g.jdp2
11 passes, 0.7 seconds, 1123 bytes.
fmt string
argument 1
argument 2
flat assembler version g.jdp2
11 passes, 0.7 seconds, 1123 bytes.
fmt string
argument 1
argument 2
flat assembler version g.jdp2
11 passes, 0.7 seconds, 1128 bytes.
fmt string
argument 1
argument 2
With -O0
section .text,"ax",@progbits
assume adl = 1
section .text,"ax",@progbits
public _va_test
push ix
ld ix, 0
add ix, sp
ld hl, -9
add hl, sp
ld sp, hl
ld hl, (ix + 6)
ld (ix - 3), hl
lea hl, ix + 9
ld (ix - 6), hl
ld hl, (ix - 3)
push hl
call _puts
ld hl, 3
add hl, sp
ld sp, hl
ld iy, (ix - 6)
lea hl, iy + 3
ld (ix - 6), hl
ld hl, (iy)
ld (ix - 9), hl
ld hl, (ix - 9)
push hl
call _puts
ld hl, 3
add hl, sp
ld sp, hl
ld iy, (ix - 6)
lea hl, iy + 3
ld (ix - 6), hl
ld hl, (iy)
ld (ix - 9), hl
ld hl, (ix - 9)
push hl
call _puts
ld hl, 12
add hl, sp
ld sp, hl
pop ix
section .text,"ax",@progbits
section .text,"ax",@progbits
public _main
push ix
ld ix, 0
add ix, sp
ld hl, L_.str
ld de, L_.str.1
ld bc, L_.str.2
push bc
push de
push hl
call _va_test
ld hl, 9
add hl, sp
ld sp, hl
or a, a
sbc hl, hl
pop ix
section .text,"ax",@progbits
section .rodata,"a",@progbits
private L_.str
db "fmt string", 0
section .rodata,"a",@progbits
private L_.str.1
db "argument 1", 0
section .rodata,"a",@progbits
private L_.str.2
db "argument 2", 0
ident "clang version 14.0.0 ( 88b9fd3e15c3b217f6e6ad8caa90c2aa412ba142)"
extern __Unwind_SjLj_Register
extern __Unwind_SjLj_Unregister
extern _puts
Presumably you are not using an implementation of stdarg.h that is compatible with clang and the ez80.
Thanks for the tip. I was indeed using the stdarg.h from the Zilog ZDS II toolchain. With the one from Clang it works as expected. I'll have to be more careful in the future when porting other parts of the ZDS II runtime.
Thanks again.
I tried to implement the
routine, which requires variadic arguments. Unfortunately the generated code seems to be incorrect.I tried this small sample code:
The expected output is this (verified with a normal clang):
With the eZ80 backend, I get this:
I.e. garbage when printing out the arguments while the format string is OK.
I stepped through the code. I can see that the code uses a wrong offset to pick up the pointers to the arguments on the stack (I can see the pointers to the strings on the stack, so that seems to be OK). Unfortunately, this is about as far as I could get for this issue. The only workaround I can think of right now is coding part of
in assembly to fetch the pointers to the arguments and then switch back to C again to handle those arguments.Best regards,
PS. For completeness sake, this is the generated assembly code: