jacobnzw / SSMToybox

Nonlinear Sigma-Point Kalman Filters based on Bayesian Quadrature
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Redesign of Sigma-Point Moment Transforms #21

Open jacobnzw opened 5 years ago

jacobnzw commented 5 years ago

Current design of SigmaPointTransform, makes it quite uncomfortable to implement a continuous-time variants of the sigma-point transforms, which require the function evaluation process to be replaced with the solution of the ODE.

That is, instead of "pushing" points through the nonlinearity, like so

# push sigma-points through non-linearity
fx = np.apply_along_axis(f, 0, x, fcn_pars)

one has to "flow" the points through nonlinearity for a given period of time (t0, t1) using and ODE solver, like so

t0, t1 = tf_pars['t0'], tf_pars['t1']
dim_out = f(0, mean).shape[0]
num_points = self.unit_sp.shape[1]
fx = np.empty((dim_out, num_points))
for i in range(num_points):
    # TODO: how to ensure function signature f(t, x)?
    fx[:, i] = solve_ivp(f, (t0, t1), x[:, i], t_eval=(t1, ), method='RK45', rtol=1e-5).y.squeeze()

That is to say, each sigma-point is used as initial condition in an initial value problem (IVP).

When inheriting from SigmaPointTransform, several difficulties follow:

Conclusion SigmaPointTransform would benefit from rewriting, where the nonlinearity evaluation process is separated out into a dedicated function (very much akin, if not the same, to what is in the BQTransform. This solves the first point and makes it easier to reuse the SigmaPointTransform machinery for potential inclusion of the continuous-time variants.

The last two points, however, still remain an issue. One could just pass in the TransitionModel, which carries with it all the nonlinearity parameters (including the output dimensionality).