jacobobryant / biff

A Clojure web framework for solo developers.
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Improve clojure.tools.logging/slf4j/slf4j-simple integration #176

Closed olavfosse closed 9 months ago

olavfosse commented 9 months ago

I think it might be better that the prose goes in a logging reference page; I found myself looking for one when learning Biff . I also want to figure out a good way to control logging levels on a namespace granularity, preferably in config.edn such that it works with main/refresh.

Wrt Timbre, I made a nice system for configuring logging via config.edn, but I'm not completely convinced it's worth the switch, so I'm working on improving the clojure.tools.logging/slf4j/slf4j-simple stack integration for now :^)

jacobobryant commented 9 months ago

Looks good to me--thanks. I moved the comments here: https://gist.github.com/jacobobryant/76b7a08a07d5ef2cc076b048d078f1f3

jacobobryant commented 9 months ago

(I'd be down to turn that gist into a page in the reference docs at some point--maybe after I actually learn how to filter the logs myself 😉. Just wanted to get it up somewhere quickly for now though.)

olavfosse commented 9 months ago

A gist is good for now. I'm still researching and working on biff logging so more is coming 🪵.

Cheers and thanks for merging!