jacobrosenthal / hf2-rs

Microsoft HF2 HID Flashing Format for UF2 Bootloaders
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Use uf2families.json for UF2 family info #39

Open bcr opened 3 years ago

bcr commented 3 years ago

Per microsoft/uf2#46 there is now a JSON file that can be used to generate the values in hf2/src/bininfo.rs

I can take a stab at making a script to auto-update this for you.

For your case, these work for instance:

➜  hf2-rs git:(master) ✗ cat uf2families.json | jq -r '.[] | "\(.id) => Self::\(.short_name),"' | sed "s/^\(0x.\{4\}\)/\1_/"
0x1657_3617 => Self::ATMEGA32,
0x1851_780a => Self::SAML21,
0x1b57_745f => Self::NRF52,
0x1c5f_21b0 => Self::ESP32,
0x1e1f_432d => Self::STM32L1,
0x202e_3a91 => Self::STM32L0,
0x2146_0ff0 => Self::STM32WL,
0x2abc_77ec => Self::LPC55,
0x300f_5633 => Self::STM32G0,
0x31d2_28c6 => Self::GD32F350,
0x0424_0bdf => Self::STM32L5,
0x4c71_240a => Self::STM32G4,
0x4fb2_d5bd => Self::MIMXRT10XX,
0x53b8_0f00 => Self::STM32F7,
0x5511_4460 => Self::SAMD51,
0x5775_5a57 => Self::STM32F4,
0x5a18_069b => Self::FX2,
0x5d1a_0a2e => Self::STM32F2,
0x5ee2_1072 => Self::STM32F1,
0x6478_24b6 => Self::STM32F0,
0x68ed_2b88 => Self::SAMD21,
0x6b84_6188 => Self::STM32F3,
0x6d09_22fa => Self::STM32F407,
0x6db6_6082 => Self::STM32H7,
0x70d1_6653 => Self::STM32WB,
0x7eab_61ed => Self::ESP8266,
0x7f83_e793 => Self::KL32L2,
0x8fb0_60fe => Self::STM32F407VG,
0xada5_2840 => Self::NRF52840,
0xbfdd_4eee => Self::ESP32S2,
0xc47e_5767 => Self::ESP32S3,
0xd42b_a06c => Self::ESP32C3,
0xe48b_ff56 => Self::RP2040,
0x00ff_6919 => Self::STM32L4,
bcr commented 3 years ago

This will update bininfo.rs in-place

uf2info=`curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/uf2/master/utils/uf2families.json`

map=`echo $uf2info | jq -r '.[] | "            \(.id) => Self::\(.short_name),"' | sed "s/\(0x.\{4\}\)/\1_/"`
perl -0777 -i -pe \
 "s/(match val {\\n).*(_ => Self::UNKNOWN\(val\),\\n)/\$1$map\\n            \$2/s" \

families=`echo $uf2info | jq -r '.[] | "    \(.short_name),"'`
perl -0777 -i -pe \
 "s/(pub enum FamilyId {\\n).*(    UNKNOWN\(u32\),\\n)/\$1$families\\n\$2/s" \
jacobrosenthal commented 3 years ago

Thanks! we keep the vid pid pairs over at https://github.com/jacobrosenthal/hf2-rs/blob/6c13c140956d4a96194cd06375c04b762f4354cb/hf2/src/utils/mod.rs#L193

Ill probably do something pure rust at some point, but whatever solution you come up with would be fine for now.

bcr commented 3 years ago

Well, I'm not sure how to fix the VID / PID problem -- I tried to make the family field in the UF2 spec as normalized as I could. But as far as VID / PID I'm not sure how to approach it.