jacobsvante / sentry-dramatiq

Dramatiq task processor integration for the Sentry SDK
MIT License
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Missing request information? #14

Closed dragonpaw closed 1 month ago

dragonpaw commented 1 year ago

I'm having an issue where I think I've got sentry-dramatiq setup properly, but I'm not seeing the message detail in Sentry. (Docs say it should be added automatically, and I see a DramatiqMessageExtractor in the code, but the data isn't showing up in sentry.)

However I DO get the added tag of dramatiq_message_id and the transaction is set correctly to the actor.name in Sentry. So I can confirm that the SentryMiddleware is being injected and called. Just something seems to fail after that.

Using: sentry-dramatiq 0.3.2 sentry-sdk: 1.15.0 (With Django integration) python: 3.10.10

In [6]: Hub.current.client.options
{'dsn': 'https://xxxx@o1234.ingest.sentry.io/11111111',
 'with_locals': True,
 'max_breadcrumbs': 100,
 'release': 'devspace',
 'environment': 'ash',
 'server_name': 'django-86578f684f-jz4tj',
 'shutdown_timeout': 2,
 'integrations': [<sentry_sdk.integrations.django.DjangoIntegration at 0x7f01ea689c60>,
  <sentry_sdk.integrations.celery.CeleryIntegration at 0x7f01ea689ab0>,
  <sentry_dramatiq.DramatiqIntegration at 0x7f01e9d86a70>,
  <sentry_sdk.integrations.redis.RedisIntegration at 0x7f01e9d86a40>,
  <sentry_sdk.integrations.logging.LoggingIntegration at 0x7f01e9d86a10>],
 'in_app_include': [],
 'in_app_exclude': [],
 'default_integrations': True,
 'dist': None,
 'transport': None,
 'transport_queue_size': 100,
 'sample_rate': 1.0,
 'send_default_pii': False,
 'http_proxy': None,
 'https_proxy': None,
 'ignore_errors': [],
 'request_bodies': 'medium',
 'before_send': <function myapp.settings.before_send(event, hint)>,
 'before_breadcrumb': None,
 'debug': False,
 'attach_stacktrace': False,
 'ca_certs': None,
 'propagate_traces': True,
 'traces_sample_rate': None,
 'traces_sampler': <function myapp.settings.traces_sampler(sampling_context)>,
 'auto_enabling_integrations': True,
 'auto_session_tracking': True,
 'send_client_reports': True,
 '_experiments': {'profiles_sample_rate': 1.0},
 'proxy_headers': None,
 'instrumenter': 'sentry',
 'before_send_transaction': None}
CraxGrix commented 1 year ago

I also encountered the same problem Using: sentry-dramatiq 0.3.3 sentry-sdk: 1.24.0 (With FastAPI integration) python: 3.8.5