jacolb22 / lab-10

Lab 10: Statistical inference
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Lab 11 Self Assessment - Jacobs #2

Open jacolb22 opened 7 months ago

jacolb22 commented 7 months ago

I will put the Lab 11 self assessment here because the canvas submission wants a link, and not a txt file.

I learned a couple of things, including that presentations (at least of research) are meant to have a sort of storytelling aspect to them. I didn't know this, although it's possible I've taken this approach before when presenting research in the past. Another thing about presenting I learned is how visual aids can help in that they take up space that would normally otherwise contain text, and text walls are not typically very engaging to read. I learned that it is possible to save charts directly to directories instead of finding some roundabout way to capture them, like a screenshot. I also learned that peer-facing research is much more transparent than outward-facing research, which makes sense, as the layman would probably not care to learn about the specific techniques used in depth, and is more focused on the result. I will likely do more research on youtube about how to publish a custom website on github pages, because I am considering setting up a personal website that way.


francojc commented 7 months ago

Great summary. Nice job.