jacopo-chevallard / BEAGLE-general

Basic information to get started with the galaxy spectral modelling tool Beagle
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MultiNest: Not enough data points error #25

Closed ACCarnall closed 8 years ago

ACCarnall commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to perform a spectrophotometric fit, I believe all of the inputs are correctly formatted but when MultiNest starts running the following error occurs:

 Reading Filter File: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/filters/FILTERBIN.RES
 295 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fixed                         current_sfr_timescale                      0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_logU                               0
 ---> fixed                         nebular_xi                                 0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_Z                                  0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fixed                         continuum_coeff-1                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-2                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-3                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-4                          0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 ---> fitted                        specific_sfr                               1
 ---> fitted                        formation_redshift                         1
 n_fitted:           12
 fileName: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/data/VANDELS_spectra/137268_P1M1Q2_049_1_table.fits                                                                                                                                                                                     
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  180
 dimensionality =   12
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 --- LINEAR:  X0 =  2.087E+02 is outside X range --- 4.994E+02 1.502E+04     11558
 ---   Error reported only once. It may occur more than once. ---
         [ERROR: Not enough data points! size(x) must be >= degree+1 ]
 [FUNCTION: "integral_sp" ]
 [MODULE: "lib_integration" ]
#0  0x7FA370FC3E08
#1  0x54F45C in print_backtrace at lib_messages.f90:329
#2  0x500041 in __lib_integration_MOD_integral_sp at lib_integration.f90:845
#3  0x48C492 in __handle_spectra_MOD_integrated_spectrum_sp at handle_spectra.f90:716
#4  0x48D62A in __handle_spectra_MOD_mean_integrated_spectrum_sp at handle_spectra.f90:781 (discriminator 1)
#5  0x481F30 in __likelihood_function_MOD_likelihood at likelihood_function.f90:244 (discriminator 14)
#6  0x483BA5 in __likelihood_function_MOD_mc_likelihood at likelihood_function.f90:89 (discriminator 4)
#7  0x6FB513 in __nested_sampling_MOD_getloglike at nested_sampling.f90:206 (discriminator 6)
#8  0x72EAB0 in __nested_MOD_gen_initial_live at nested.F90:536
#9  0x73022C in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:352
#10  0x7312C4 in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#11  0x6FB8EC in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:134
#12  0x6F8522 in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:314
#13  0x406F8F in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:465
 [ ***************************************** ]
 [ ----> EXITING FUNCTION / SUBROUTINE <---- ]                          
 [ ***** STOPPING PROGRAM ***** ]
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL

Any idea what might be causing this?

Cheers, Adam

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure when I have time to look into this, but perhaps @eclake has some time in the next days. In the meantime, can you give us the version of Beagle you're using, and put all the files used into a tar archive so that we can try to reproduce the error?

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

@ACCarnall I'm able to reproduce the error, hope to have a fix soon! Also, try to use the GitHub markdown formatting when pasting shell outputs, otherwise the # symbols will create spurious links to other issues

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

I found a couple of possible problems in the parameter file you're using

ACCarnall commented 8 years ago

@jacopo-chevallard thanks for looking into this. On the points you raise:

I put the redshift in as a free parameter partially to check I'd understood how to do this, and partially to verify that the code could obtain the correct redshifts for the objects. In the final fit I'd like to constrain the redshift to a small interval around the known spec-z, @eclake said this wasn't currently possible but that she would look into it.

I removed the wl:conversion and SHRINK TEMPLATES WL RANGE keywords and re-ran the code and I'm now getting the following similar error:

~/BEAGLE-general$ ./run_BEAGLE.sh 

 Reading Filter File: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/filters/FILTERBIN.RES
 295 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fixed                         current_sfr_timescale                      0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_logU                               0
 ---> fixed                         nebular_xi                                 0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_Z                                  0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fixed                         continuum_coeff-1                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-2                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-3                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-4                          0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 ---> fitted                        specific_sfr                               1
 ---> fitted                        formation_redshift                         1
 n_fitted:           12
 fileName: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/data/VANDELS_spectra/17433_P1M1Q2_029_1_table.fits                                                                                                                                                                                      
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  180
 dimensionality =   12
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
         [ERROR: Can not locate, too few points in the input array: n = 0 < 2 ]
 [FUNCTION: "locate_sp" ]
 [MODULE: "lib_interpolation" ]
#0  0x7F8DED5B9E08
#1  0x54F45C in print_backtrace at lib_messages.f90:329
#2  0x53810C in __lib_interpolation_MOD_locate_sp at lib_interpolation.f90:1177 (discriminator 6)
#3  0x48D6D6 in __handle_spectra_MOD_mean_integrated_spectrum_sp at handle_spectra.f90:778 (discriminator 1)
#4  0x481F30 in __likelihood_function_MOD_likelihood at likelihood_function.f90:244 (discriminator 14)
#5  0x483BA5 in __likelihood_function_MOD_mc_likelihood at likelihood_function.f90:89 (discriminator 4)
#6  0x6FB513 in __nested_sampling_MOD_getloglike at nested_sampling.f90:206 (discriminator 6)
#7  0x72EAB0 in __nested_MOD_gen_initial_live at nested.F90:536
#8  0x73022C in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:352
#9  0x7312C4 in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#10  0x6FB8EC in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:134
#11  0x6F8522 in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:314
#12  0x406F8F in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:465
 [ ***************************************** ]
 [ ----> EXITING FUNCTION / SUBROUTINE <---- ]                                   
 [ ***** STOPPING PROGRAM ***** ]
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_INVALID_FLAG IEEE_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL

PS I hope I'm using the Github markdown formatting as you intended now! I'm new to the syntax.

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

PS I hope I'm using the Github markdown formatting as you intended now! I'm new to the syntax.

I'd suggest you to always check with the Preview button if the formatting is correct! :)

Unfortunately I'm not able to reproduce your error now, since I get the output below when running wirth your data/parameter file

fileName: /Users/jchevall/People/Carnall/VANDELS_example/VANDELS_spectra/17433_P1M1Q2_029_1_table.fits
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  180
 dimensionality =   12
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.958333
Replacements:                                230
Total Samples:                               240
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.877743
Replacements:                                280
Total Samples:                               319
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************

The one below is the parameter file I'm using, can you try to use it as well? (you'll have to change some file paths, etc...)

# Verbose mode: 0 ---> no info, 1 ----> print only errors, 2 ---> print errors and warnings, 3 ----> print errors, warnings and info 


# Seed for the random number generator
SEED = 21083988

# ******************* TEMPLATES  *****************************

# to remove emission lines from models uncomment first line below and comment two lines below it (also change path to point towards .ised files), also comment all parameters to do with emission later in the file

#TEMPLATES = $BEAGLE_TEMPLATES/bc03/bc03_miles_chab_spectra
TEMPLATES NEBULAR = $BEAGLE_TEMPLATES/ineb_Jan16_C100/cb2013_n2_mup100_N015_O01_deplO70_C100_Jan16
EMISSION LINES CONFIGURATION = $BEAGLE_TEMPLATES/ineb_Jan16_C100/cb2013_n2_mup100_N015_O01_deplO70_C100_Jan16_line_wavelengths.dat


#SHRINK TEMPLATES WL RANGE = 500 15000 #can be used to speed things up when using data which does not cover full wavelength range of models
#REBIN TEMPLATES = 10 #ok to speed up photometry but not with spectra

# ******************* PHOTOMETRY *****************************

FILTERS FILE = /Users/jchevall/People/Carnall/VANDELS_example/filters_XDF_VANDELS.dat

PHOTOMETRIC CATALOGUE = /Users/jchevall/People/Carnall/VANDELS_example/VANDELS_phot_23.fits


# ******************* SPECTROSCOPY *****************************

LIST OF SPECTRA = /Users/jchevall/People/Carnall/VANDELS_example/VANDELS_spectra/spectra.list

# Example: FITS table #wl converstion is conversion factor required to turn input data wavelengths into angstroms (colName is name of column in input fits file)
#to free up redshift to be fit by code delete redshift keyword in below line
SPECTRUM FILE DESCRIPTION =   wl:colName:wavelengths flux:colName:fluxes  fluxerr:colName:fluxerrs #redshift:keyword:REDSHIFT


# Example with all possible tokens
#SPECTRUM FILE DESCRIPTION = flux:conversion:1.E-17 wl:colNum:1 wl:dispersion:ln wl:conversion:1.E+04 wl:type:vacuum redshift:keyword:Z flux:colNum:2  fluxerr:colNum:3 mask:colNum:4  sky:colNum:5      min_rel_err:0.02
#min_rel_error sets minimum error as a percentage of data value for each spectral pixel, mask can be used to mask specific pixels in specific objects

# Observations have LSF?
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_type              type:fixed    char_value:gaussian
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-1     type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[0.,10.]
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-2     type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[-5.,5.]
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-3     type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[-5.,5.]
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-4     type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[-5.,5.]
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_center_coeff-1     type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[-10.,10.]
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_center_coeff-2     type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[-10.,10.]
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_type              type:fixed    char_value:box
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-1     type:fixed    value:2.31
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-2     type:fixed    value:-45.29
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-3     type:fixed    value:341.69
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-4     type:fixed    value:-1223.19
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-5     type:fixed    value:1971.37
#LSF_PARAMETER = name:lsf_sigma_coeff-6     type:fixed    value:-755.28

# Need to mask any region from observations?
# (For instance because of bas sky subtraction, unre;oiabel flux calibrations, etc...)
# MASK OBSERVATION REGIONS = range-1:[5700, 5900.] range-2:[6500., -1.] #almost certainly wavelength in A but maybe check

# Need to mask any region from the templates?
# (For instance because of different resolutions, use of empirical/theoretical stellar libraries)
#MASK TEMPLATE REGIONS = range-1:[-1., 3300.] range-2:[6500., -1.]

# How do you treat continuum mis-calibrations between observed and model spectra?
# - rectify --->
# - polynomial --->
FLUX CALIBRATION CORRECTION = type:legendre degree:3
#ask Jacopo what the difference between rectify and polynomial is

# Do you want to mask emission lines?

# Do you want to mask bad sky subtraction?

# ******************* MOCK OBSERVATIONS *****************************


# Whether to print FITS file containing mock spectra and photometry, one file per object

#MOCK CATALOGUE NAME = my_first_test



# ******************* DUST ATTENUATION AND IGM ABSORPTION *******


# File containing set of radiativa transfer (RT) calculations of dust attenuation of starlight
#RT CALCULATIONS = Tuffs_bulge_NEW-28-11.dat Tuffs_thick_NEW-28-11.dat Tuffs_thin_NEW-28-11.dat
#RT COMPONENTS NAMES = bulge thick_disc thin_disc

# ******************* STAR FORMATION ***************************** 
#This section entirely relates to mode 3, creation of fake data

# File containing a library of star formation histories from semi-analytic models
# SEMI-ANALYTIC STAR FORMATION = /Users/jacopo/bc99lx/Mock/F90/list9sfh_TOT.bin
# SEMI-ANALYTIC STAR FORMATION = /tmp_mnt/broque/poubelle1/tmp/chevalla/Mock/F90/list9sfh_TOT.bin
# If "STAR FORMATION HISTORY = 3" filename containing the user supplied SFH
#SIMULATED SF AND ChE HISTORIES = $BEAGLE_SF_ChE/Blaizot/Joao-refSim-z1/Joao-refSim-z1.sfh

# Whether you want to use the simulated SF and ChE histories in the order in which they are read, 
# or rather you want ot randomize this order

# File containing a user supplied SF and ChE history, i.e. (at least) 3 columns age, SFR and Z
USER SUPPLIED SFH = output.my_sfr

# Normalize the mass formed to 1 M_sun ? this means that all SED will be rescaled so as M_star + M_gas = M_tot = 1

# If you model the star formation and chemical enrichment history of galaxies in a non parametric way, 
# then you can describe the SF and CE history my computing the mass and mass-weighted metallicity in 
# different age bins.

# **************************************************
# ************** SF BIN #1 **************************
# **************************************************
#to add more star formation bins add -1 to the end of all parameters and define an age range (probably ask for help with this if I want to add more bins)
SF_PARAMETER  = name:sfh_type                 type:fixed    char_value:delayed

# In log(yr)
SF_PARAMETER  = name:tau                      type:fitted  order_priority:1  prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[7.,10.5] 

# in log(Z/Z_sun)
SF_PARAMETER  = name:metallicity              type:fitted  order_priority:1  prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[-2.2,0.24]  

# In log M/M_sun
SF_PARAMETER  = name:mass                     type:fitted  order_priority:0  prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[4.,12.] 

# **************************************************
# **************  OTHER SF PARAMETERS **************************
# **************************************************

# In log(M_sun/yr)
SF_PARAMETER  = name:specific_sfr             type:fitted  order_priority:1   prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[-14.,-7.]  

# In log(yr)
SF_PARAMETER  = name:current_sfr_timescale        type:fixed  value:7.

# ******************* PRINTED OUTPUT  *****************************

RESULTS DIRECTORY = /Users/jchevall/People/Carnall/VANDELS_example/results


# ******************* PARAMETERS HANDLING  *****************************

#The following MCMC param file has been edited to allow a speedy (relatively) example case, don't use
#this file for science results.
PDF SAMPLER FILE = /Users/jchevall/People/Carnall/VANDELS_example/MCMC_spectra_example.param

PARAMETER  = name:redshift        type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform    prior:range:[0.:10.] #type:from_file

PARAMETER  = name:formation_redshift        type:fitted   order_priority:1  prior:distribution:uniform  prior:range:[1.,50.]
#could be important depending on redshift at which we're fitting, try with log uniform prior 

#MAX_STELLAR_AGE (logarithmic uniform) parameter can be used instead of formation redshift, however not tested with making sure stellar pop younger than Universe, can be set object by object once this has been implemented by Emma for redshift

PARAMETER  = name:nebular_logU              type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform    prior:range:[-4., -1.]

PARAMETER  = name:nebular_xi                type:fixed      value:0.3

PARAMETER  = name:nebular_Z                 type:fitted   prior:distribution:uniform prior:range:[-2.2, 0.24]

PARAMETER  = name:attenuation_type          type:fixed  char_value:CCWW13_universal   # values can be: CF00, Calzetti, CCWW13_universal, CCWW13_full

PARAMETER  = name:tauV_eff                  type:fitted   order_priority:0  prior:distribution:log-uniform   prior:range:[0.001,5.]   

PARAMETER  = name:mu                        type:fixed      value:0.4
ACCarnall commented 8 years ago

I think I've tracked down the source of the new error, it seems that the line

SPECTRUM FILE DESCRIPTION =   wl:colName:wavelengths flux:colName:fluxes  fluxerr:colName:fluxerrs #redshift:keyword:REDSHIFT

in your file is treated differently to the corresponding line in my file

SPECTRUM FILE DESCRIPTION =   wl:colName:wavelengths flux:colName:fluxes  fluxerr:colName:fluxerrs #redshift:keyword:REDSHIFT wl:conversion:1.E+10

I would have thought that the wl:conversion keyword, being after the hash symbol would be ignored, but it seems not. Also the alternative form

SPECTRUM FILE DESCRIPTION =   wl:colName:wavelengths flux:colName:fluxes  fluxerr:colName:fluxerrs #redshift:keyword:REDSHIFT #wl:conversion:1.E+10

still gives the same error. Would you expect this?

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

I think that you're right, the program ignores comment lines, but I don't think it deals well with lines with an in-line comment! It should be fairly easy to implement though, and would probably make everything safer!

So, for now avoid in-line comments

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

(fixed in astrofortran 0.5.8, it will be included in a future release of Beagle)

ACCarnall commented 8 years ago

So the parameter file now starts to run and seems to complete the first object correctly, though one of the parameters is bumping up against the edge of the prior (does the best fit lnP of about -20000 seem reasonable?). However the second object seems to have got stuck in some way and is taking longer and longer to complete each step, I've had it running for several days now without it completing the fit. Any ideas why this might be? (very long output below...)

~/BEAGLE-general$ ./run_BEAGLE.sh 
  [ WARNING: messages are not correctly printed to stderr (they stay in the buffer)        unless you set (in gfortran) "setenv GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_PRECONNECTED Y" ] 

 Reading Filter File: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/filters/FILTERBIN.RES
 295 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fixed                         current_sfr_timescale                      0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_logU                               0
 ---> fixed                         nebular_xi                                 0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_Z                                  0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fixed                         continuum_coeff-1                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-2                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-3                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-4                          0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 ---> fitted                        specific_sfr                               1
 ---> fitted                        formation_redshift                         1
 n_fitted:           12
 fileName: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/data/VANDELS_spectra/137268_P1M1Q2_049_1_table.fits                                                                                                                                                                                     
         [ERROR: CFITSIO error number          105 ---> couldn't create the named file ]
 [FUNCTION: "cfitsio_print_error" ]
 [MODULE: "fits_io" ]
#0  0x7F02A321FE08
#1  0x54FA2C in print_backtrace at lib_messages.f90:330
#2  0x530689 in __fits_buffers_MOD_cfitsio_print_error at fits_buffers.f90:997
#3  0x4E6677 in __lib_fits_io_MOD_create_fits_file at lib_fits_io.f90:391
#4  0x407569 in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:451
 [ ***************************************** ]
 [ ----> EXITING FUNCTION / SUBROUTINE <---- ]                                              
 [ ***** STOPPING PROGRAM ***** ]
Note: The following floating-point exceptions are signalling: IEEE_UNDERFLOW_FLAG IEEE_DENORMAL
~/BEAGLE-general$ ./run_BEAGLE.sh 
  [ WARNING: messages are not correctly printed to stderr (they stay in the buffer)        unless you set (in gfortran) "setenv GFORTRAN_UNBUFFERED_PRECONNECTED Y" ] 

 Reading Filter File: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/filters/FILTERBIN.RES
 295 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fixed                         current_sfr_timescale                      0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_logU                               0
 ---> fixed                         nebular_xi                                 0
 ---> fitted                        nebular_Z                                  0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fixed                         continuum_coeff-1                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-2                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-3                          0
 ---> fitted                        continuum_coeff-4                          0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 ---> fitted                        specific_sfr                               1
 ---> fitted                        formation_redshift                         1
 n_fitted:           12
 fileName: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/data/VANDELS_spectra/17433_P1M1Q2_029_1_table.fits                                                                                                                                                                                      
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  180
 dimensionality =   12
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points

 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.958333
Replacements:                                230
Total Samples:                               240
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.877743
Replacements:                                280
Total Samples:                               319
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.797101
Replacements:                                330
Total Samples:                               414
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.743640
Replacements:                                380
Total Samples:                               511
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.716667
Replacements:                                430
Total Samples:                               600
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.683761
Replacements:                                480
Total Samples:                               702
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.609896
Replacements:                                530
Total Samples:                               869
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.578265
Replacements:                                580
Total Samples:                              1003
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.553117
Replacements:                                630
Total Samples:                              1139
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.537975
Replacements:                                680
Total Samples:                              1264
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.517730
Replacements:                                730
Total Samples:                              1410
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.511811
Replacements:                                780
Total Samples:                              1524
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.502726
Replacements:                                830
Total Samples:                              1651
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.490251
Replacements:                                880
Total Samples:                              1795
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.484123
Replacements:                                930
Total Samples:                              1921
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.481100
Replacements:                                980
Total Samples:                              2037
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -854404.131841
Acceptance Rate:                        0.469248
Replacements:                               1030
Total Samples:                              2195
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -689575.972118
Acceptance Rate:                        0.453210
Replacements:                               1080
Total Samples:                              2383
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -597111.374896
Acceptance Rate:                        0.446640
Replacements:                               1130
Total Samples:                              2530
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -507780.152674
Acceptance Rate:                        0.424919
Replacements:                               1180
Total Samples:                              2777
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -437286.211702
Acceptance Rate:                        0.400521
Replacements:                               1230
Total Samples:                              3071
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -363716.708229
Acceptance Rate:                        0.387879
Replacements:                               1280
Total Samples:                              3300
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -312771.517257
Acceptance Rate:                        0.377841
Replacements:                               1330
Total Samples:                              3520
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -271599.045035
Acceptance Rate:                        0.369676
Replacements:                               1380
Total Samples:                              3733
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -230161.916563
Acceptance Rate:                        0.356076
Replacements:                               1430
Total Samples:                              4016
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -199220.209966
Acceptance Rate:                        0.347990
Replacements:                               1480
Total Samples:                              4253
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -174348.878368
Acceptance Rate:                        0.340151
Replacements:                               1530
Total Samples:                              4498
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -153861.156146
Acceptance Rate:                        0.328482
Replacements:                               1580
Total Samples:                              4810
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -138455.277674
Acceptance Rate:                        0.323670
Replacements:                               1630
Total Samples:                              5036
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -123888.039827
Acceptance Rate:                        0.314312
Replacements:                               1680
Total Samples:                              5345
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -114108.692604
Acceptance Rate:                        0.305708
Replacements:                               1730
Total Samples:                              5659
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            -104935.376632
Acceptance Rate:                        0.290186
Replacements:                               1780
Total Samples:                              6134
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -97239.248160
Acceptance Rate:                        0.280503
Replacements:                               1830
Total Samples:                              6524
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -91904.268125
Acceptance Rate:                        0.270309
Replacements:                               1880
Total Samples:                              6955
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -86611.538091
Acceptance Rate:                        0.258056
Replacements:                               1930
Total Samples:                              7479
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -82396.409618
Acceptance Rate:                        0.248494
Replacements:                               1980
Total Samples:                              7968
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -78103.312245
Acceptance Rate:                        0.236845
Replacements:                               2030
Total Samples:                              8571
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -73939.403760
Acceptance Rate:                        0.231677
Replacements:                               2080
Total Samples:                              8978
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -71132.145408
Acceptance Rate:                        0.222037
Replacements:                               2130
Total Samples:                              9593
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -68540.895441
Acceptance Rate:                        0.213998
Replacements:                               2180
Total Samples:                             10187
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -65530.032882
Acceptance Rate:                        0.208548
Replacements:                               2230
Total Samples:                             10693
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -62973.439241
Acceptance Rate:                        0.205591
Replacements:                               2280
Total Samples:                             11090
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -60016.400938
Acceptance Rate:                        0.202450
Replacements:                               2330
Total Samples:                             11509
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -57915.881841
Acceptance Rate:                        0.200725
Replacements:                               2380
Total Samples:                             11857
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -55392.050243
Acceptance Rate:                        0.199148
Replacements:                               2430
Total Samples:                             12202
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -53102.300677
Acceptance Rate:                        0.198083
Replacements:                               2480
Total Samples:                             12520
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -51234.117518
Acceptance Rate:                        0.196887
Replacements:                               2530
Total Samples:                             12850
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -49064.465608
Acceptance Rate:                        0.194409
Replacements:                               2580
Total Samples:                             13271
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -47706.399636
Acceptance Rate:                        0.193539
Replacements:                               2630
Total Samples:                             13589
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -46205.830142
Acceptance Rate:                        0.192349
Replacements:                               2680
Total Samples:                             13933
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -45070.712308
Acceptance Rate:                        0.191150
Replacements:                               2730
Total Samples:                             14282
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -43954.490782
Acceptance Rate:                        0.189335
Replacements:                               2780
Total Samples:                             14683
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -42830.428715
Acceptance Rate:                        0.187046
Replacements:                               2830
Total Samples:                             15130
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -41748.995556
Acceptance Rate:                        0.184912
Replacements:                               2880
Total Samples:                             15575
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -40732.981652
Acceptance Rate:                        0.184011
Replacements:                               2930
Total Samples:                             15923
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -40018.353677
Acceptance Rate:                        0.181276
Replacements:                               2980
Total Samples:                             16439
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -39218.731233
Acceptance Rate:                        0.179354
Replacements:                               3030
Total Samples:                             16894
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -38244.215813
Acceptance Rate:                        0.178644
Replacements:                               3080
Total Samples:                             17241
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -37590.298353
Acceptance Rate:                        0.175340
Replacements:                               3130
Total Samples:                             17851
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -36834.735979
Acceptance Rate:                        0.171410
Replacements:                               3180
Total Samples:                             18552
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -36116.612500
Acceptance Rate:                        0.168545
Replacements:                               3230
Total Samples:                             19164
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -35474.119927
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166947
Replacements:                               3280
Total Samples:                             19647
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -34430.491649
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166408
Replacements:                               3330
Total Samples:                             20011
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -33393.499896
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166831
Replacements:                               3380
Total Samples:                             20260
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -32057.357752
Acceptance Rate:                        0.167048
Replacements:                               3430
Total Samples:                             20533
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -30907.217561
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166842
Replacements:                               3480
Total Samples:                             20858
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -29811.478600
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166919
Replacements:                               3530
Total Samples:                             21148
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -28844.552414
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166822
Replacements:                               3580
Total Samples:                             21460
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -28072.554801
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166851
Replacements:                               3630
Total Samples:                             21756
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -27251.180235
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166185
Replacements:                               3680
Total Samples:                             22144
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -26537.152832
Acceptance Rate:                        0.166073
Replacements:                               3730
Total Samples:                             22460
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -26006.532665
Acceptance Rate:                        0.165506
Replacements:                               3780
Total Samples:                             22839
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -25374.966693
Acceptance Rate:                        0.164781
Replacements:                               3830
Total Samples:                             23243
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -24874.287440
Acceptance Rate:                        0.163893
Replacements:                               3880
Total Samples:                             23674
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -24482.873811
Acceptance Rate:                        0.163764
Replacements:                               3930
Total Samples:                             23998
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -24061.750936
Acceptance Rate:                        0.162941
Replacements:                               3980
Total Samples:                             24426
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -23694.985751
Acceptance Rate:                        0.161938
Replacements:                               4030
Total Samples:                             24886
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -23411.751661
Acceptance Rate:                        0.161093
Replacements:                               4080
Total Samples:                             25327
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -23116.043258
Acceptance Rate:                        0.160707
Replacements:                               4130
Total Samples:                             25699
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -22921.020774
Acceptance Rate:                        0.160393
Replacements:                               4180
Total Samples:                             26061
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -22735.901661
Acceptance Rate:                        0.159154
Replacements:                               4230
Total Samples:                             26578
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -22562.850680
Acceptance Rate:                        0.158354
Replacements:                               4280
Total Samples:                             27028
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -22385.263078
Acceptance Rate:                        0.157249
Replacements:                               4330
Total Samples:                             27536
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -22233.254836
Acceptance Rate:                        0.156022
Replacements:                               4380
Total Samples:                             28073
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -22142.984956
Acceptance Rate:                        0.154243
Replacements:                               4430
Total Samples:                             28721
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -22041.837539
Acceptance Rate:                        0.153047
Replacements:                               4480
Total Samples:                             29272
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21945.692452
Acceptance Rate:                        0.151005
Replacements:                               4530
Total Samples:                             29999
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21842.698381
Acceptance Rate:                        0.149776
Replacements:                               4580
Total Samples:                             30579
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21749.141199
Acceptance Rate:                        0.148817
Replacements:                               4630
Total Samples:                             31112
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21672.031242
Acceptance Rate:                        0.147588
Replacements:                               4680
Total Samples:                             31710
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21616.306833
Acceptance Rate:                        0.146286
Replacements:                               4730
Total Samples:                             32334
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21537.255722
Acceptance Rate:                        0.144189
Replacements:                               4780
Total Samples:                             33151
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21448.892149
Acceptance Rate:                        0.142184
Replacements:                               4830
Total Samples:                             33970
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21388.860021
Acceptance Rate:                        0.141057
Replacements:                               4880
Total Samples:                             34596
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21320.705128
Acceptance Rate:                        0.139372
Replacements:                               4930
Total Samples:                             35373
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21227.581182
Acceptance Rate:                        0.138103
Replacements:                               4980
Total Samples:                             36060
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21160.757245
Acceptance Rate:                        0.137166
Replacements:                               5030
Total Samples:                             36671
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21071.660549
Acceptance Rate:                        0.136325
Replacements:                               5080
Total Samples:                             37264
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -21009.309750
Acceptance Rate:                        0.134660
Replacements:                               5130
Total Samples:                             38096
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20956.847610
Acceptance Rate:                        0.132661
Replacements:                               5180
Total Samples:                             39047
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20904.351803
Acceptance Rate:                        0.131265
Replacements:                               5230
Total Samples:                             39843
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20857.594280
Acceptance Rate:                        0.129155
Replacements:                               5280
Total Samples:                             40881
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20808.076373
Acceptance Rate:                        0.126127
Replacements:                               5330
Total Samples:                             42259
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20765.391092
Acceptance Rate:                        0.123690
Replacements:                               5380
Total Samples:                             43496
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20712.604230
Acceptance Rate:                        0.121181
Replacements:                               5430
Total Samples:                             44809
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20673.930315
Acceptance Rate:                        0.119200
Replacements:                               5480
Total Samples:                             45973
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20644.687437
Acceptance Rate:                        0.117417
Replacements:                               5530
Total Samples:                             47097
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20607.106794
Acceptance Rate:                        0.115377
Replacements:                               5580
Total Samples:                             48363
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20574.956753
Acceptance Rate:                        0.113277
Replacements:                               5630
Total Samples:                             49701
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20542.782431
Acceptance Rate:                        0.111820
Replacements:                               5680
Total Samples:                             50796
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20510.522909
Acceptance Rate:                        0.109619
Replacements:                               5730
Total Samples:                             52272
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20477.342857
Acceptance Rate:                        0.108116
Replacements:                               5780
Total Samples:                             53461
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20446.568020
Acceptance Rate:                        0.106734
Replacements:                               5830
Total Samples:                             54622
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20419.922228
Acceptance Rate:                        0.105444
Replacements:                               5880
Total Samples:                             55764
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20394.111207
Acceptance Rate:                        0.103988
Replacements:                               5930
Total Samples:                             57026
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20370.725659
Acceptance Rate:                        0.102891
Replacements:                               5980
Total Samples:                             58120
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20347.952618
Acceptance Rate:                        0.101539
Replacements:                               6030
Total Samples:                             59386
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20323.076494
Acceptance Rate:                        0.100441
Replacements:                               6080
Total Samples:                             60533
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20302.600310
Acceptance Rate:                        0.099866
Replacements:                               6130
Total Samples:                             61382
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20278.041959
Acceptance Rate:                        0.098594
Replacements:                               6180
Total Samples:                             62681
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20260.220567
Acceptance Rate:                        0.097169
Replacements:                               6230
Total Samples:                             64115
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20243.066280
Acceptance Rate:                        0.096205
Replacements:                               6280
Total Samples:                             65277
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20223.747554
Acceptance Rate:                        0.094854
Replacements:                               6330
Total Samples:                             66734
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20208.798782
Acceptance Rate:                        0.093930
Replacements:                               6380
Total Samples:                             67923
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20194.610835
Acceptance Rate:                        0.092619
Replacements:                               6430
Total Samples:                             69424
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20182.510711
Acceptance Rate:                        0.091432
Replacements:                               6480
Total Samples:                             70872
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20169.695634
Acceptance Rate:                        0.090727
Replacements:                               6530
Total Samples:                             71974
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20158.666264
Acceptance Rate:                        0.089739
Replacements:                               6580
Total Samples:                             73324
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20148.946261
Acceptance Rate:                        0.088603
Replacements:                               6630
Total Samples:                             74828
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20140.088541
Acceptance Rate:                        0.087673
Replacements:                               6680
Total Samples:                             76192
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20130.639152
Acceptance Rate:                        0.086703
Replacements:                               6730
Total Samples:                             77621
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20119.532387
Acceptance Rate:                        0.085752
Replacements:                               6780
Total Samples:                             79065
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20111.502522
Acceptance Rate:                        0.084578
Replacements:                               6830
Total Samples:                             80754
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20101.689394
Acceptance Rate:                        0.083792
Replacements:                               6880
Total Samples:                             82108
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20093.859261
Acceptance Rate:                        0.082068
Replacements:                               6930
Total Samples:                             84442
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20084.593241
Acceptance Rate:                        0.081072
Replacements:                               6980
Total Samples:                             86096
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20077.902691
Acceptance Rate:                        0.080344
Replacements:                               7030
Total Samples:                             87499
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20070.060344
Acceptance Rate:                        0.079081
Replacements:                               7080
Total Samples:                             89529
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20063.353706
Acceptance Rate:                        0.077675
Replacements:                               7130
Total Samples:                             91793
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20055.681151
Acceptance Rate:                        0.075921
Replacements:                               7180
Total Samples:                             94572
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20049.872494
Acceptance Rate:                        0.074887
Replacements:                               7230
Total Samples:                             96546
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20043.947879
Acceptance Rate:                        0.073271
Replacements:                               7280
Total Samples:                             99357
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20038.347496
Acceptance Rate:                        0.072060
Replacements:                               7330
Total Samples:                            101721
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20033.813590
Acceptance Rate:                        0.070596
Replacements:                               7380
Total Samples:                            104539
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20029.115956
Acceptance Rate:                        0.068974
Replacements:                               7430
Total Samples:                            107722
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20023.897543
Acceptance Rate:                        0.067424
Replacements:                               7480
Total Samples:                            110939
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20018.887330
Acceptance Rate:                        0.066090
Replacements:                               7530
Total Samples:                            113935
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20014.824846
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065010
Replacements:                               7580
Total Samples:                            116598
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20009.536559
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064286
Replacements:                               7630
Total Samples:                            118689
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20004.566133
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063462
Replacements:                               7680
Total Samples:                            121018
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -20000.433938
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062462
Replacements:                               7730
Total Samples:                            123755
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19996.438337
Acceptance Rate:                        0.061474
Replacements:                               7780
Total Samples:                            126557
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19992.994713
Acceptance Rate:                        0.060805
Replacements:                               7830
Total Samples:                            128772
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19988.367400
Acceptance Rate:                        0.060099
Replacements:                               7880
Total Samples:                            131118
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19983.319126
Acceptance Rate:                        0.059014
Replacements:                               7930
Total Samples:                            134375
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19978.483797
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058560
Replacements:                               7980
Total Samples:                            136271
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19974.529849
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058289
Replacements:                               8030
Total Samples:                            137762
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19968.639778
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058068
Replacements:                               8080
Total Samples:                            139148
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19964.442763
Acceptance Rate:                        0.057918
Replacements:                               8130
Total Samples:                            140372
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19959.583015
Acceptance Rate:                        0.057804
Replacements:                               8180
Total Samples:                            141513
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19953.206538
Acceptance Rate:                        0.057967
Replacements:                               8230
Total Samples:                            141978
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19945.988707
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058089
Replacements:                               8280
Total Samples:                            142541
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19939.228909
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058243
Replacements:                               8330
Total Samples:                            143021
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19930.881239
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058367
Replacements:                               8380
Total Samples:                            143575
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19923.273060
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058514
Replacements:                               8430
Total Samples:                            144067
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19916.928567
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058705
Replacements:                               8480
Total Samples:                            144452
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19909.091131
Acceptance Rate:                        0.058895
Replacements:                               8530
Total Samples:                            144835
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19903.407436
Acceptance Rate:                        0.059108
Replacements:                               8580
Total Samples:                            145158
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19897.636803
Acceptance Rate:                        0.059287
Replacements:                               8630
Total Samples:                            145563
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19891.400288
Acceptance Rate:                        0.059475
Replacements:                               8680
Total Samples:                            145944
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19886.864068
Acceptance Rate:                        0.059686
Replacements:                               8730
Total Samples:                            146265
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19882.369605
Acceptance Rate:                        0.059888
Replacements:                               8780
Total Samples:                            146608
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19877.652065
Acceptance Rate:                        0.060026
Replacements:                               8830
Total Samples:                            147104
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19873.262889
Acceptance Rate:                        0.060187
Replacements:                               8880
Total Samples:                            147539
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19869.212489
Acceptance Rate:                        0.060387
Replacements:                               8930
Total Samples:                            147879
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19864.925244
Acceptance Rate:                        0.060617
Replacements:                               8980
Total Samples:                            148144
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19859.974478
Acceptance Rate:                        0.060824
Replacements:                               9030
Total Samples:                            148460
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19856.951476
Acceptance Rate:                        0.061047
Replacements:                               9080
Total Samples:                            148738
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19853.913759
Acceptance Rate:                        0.061267
Replacements:                               9130
Total Samples:                            149021
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19850.542214
Acceptance Rate:                        0.061460
Replacements:                               9180
Total Samples:                            149365
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19846.527227
Acceptance Rate:                        0.061682
Replacements:                               9230
Total Samples:                            149639
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19843.226962
Acceptance Rate:                        0.061875
Replacements:                               9280
Total Samples:                            149979
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19839.436331
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062065
Replacements:                               9330
Total Samples:                            150327
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19836.629996
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062277
Replacements:                               9380
Total Samples:                            150618
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19833.715483
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062443
Replacements:                               9430
Total Samples:                            151018
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19830.675114
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062623
Replacements:                               9480
Total Samples:                            151383
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19827.629778
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062792
Replacements:                               9530
Total Samples:                            151772
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19825.048647
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062929
Replacements:                               9580
Total Samples:                            152236
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19822.462677
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063075
Replacements:                               9630
Total Samples:                            152676
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19820.524947

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063261
Replacements:                               9680
Total Samples:                            153018
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19818.836224
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063391
Replacements:                               9730
Total Samples:                            153493
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19816.558466

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063554
Replacements:                               9780
Total Samples:                            153886
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19814.192040
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063671
Replacements:                               9830
Total Samples:                            154387
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19812.160094

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063809
Replacements:                               9880
Total Samples:                            154836
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19810.054457
Acceptance Rate:                        0.063956
Replacements:                               9930
Total Samples:                            155263
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19808.037817

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064059
Replacements:                               9980
Total Samples:                            155795
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19806.027979
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064179
Replacements:                              10030
Total Samples:                            156282
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19804.174310

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064245
Replacements:                              10080
Total Samples:                            156899
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19802.704226
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064428
Replacements:                              10130
Total Samples:                            157229
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19801.481927

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064584
Replacements:                              10180
Total Samples:                            157623
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19800.327934
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064723
Replacements:                              10230
Total Samples:                            158058
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19798.885603

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.064874
Replacements:                              10280
Total Samples:                            158462
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19797.529298
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065049
Replacements:                              10330
Total Samples:                            158803
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19796.182537

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065167
Replacements:                              10380
Total Samples:                            159282
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19794.645052
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065298
Replacements:                              10430
Total Samples:                            159729
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19793.074392

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065430
Replacements:                              10480
Total Samples:                            160170
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19791.679946
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065572
Replacements:                              10530
Total Samples:                            160586
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19790.284414

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065711
Replacements:                              10580
Total Samples:                            161008
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19788.942697
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065880
Replacements:                              10630
Total Samples:                            161355
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19787.685836

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.066052
Replacements:                              10680
Total Samples:                            161692
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19786.583491
Acceptance Rate:                        0.066217
Replacements:                              10730
Total Samples:                            162044
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19785.487032

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.066410
Replacements:                              10780
Total Samples:                            162324
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19784.499462
Acceptance Rate:                        0.066625
Replacements:                              10830
Total Samples:                            162552
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19783.593350

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.066801
Replacements:                              10880
Total Samples:                            162872
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19782.771797
Acceptance Rate:                        0.066983
Replacements:                              10930
Total Samples:                            163176
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19781.738603

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.067177
Replacements:                              10980
Total Samples:                            163450
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19780.764403
Acceptance Rate:                        0.067360
Replacements:                              11030
Total Samples:                            163748
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19779.841384

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.067566
Replacements:                              11080
Total Samples:                            163989
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19779.031862
Acceptance Rate:                        0.067773
Replacements:                              11130
Total Samples:                            164225
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19778.112920

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.068001
Replacements:                              11180
Total Samples:                            164410
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19777.347742
Acceptance Rate:                        0.068207
Replacements:                              11230
Total Samples:                            164646
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19776.595576

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.068423
Replacements:                              11280
Total Samples:                            164856
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19775.690855
Acceptance Rate:                        0.068629
Replacements:                              11330
Total Samples:                            165091
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19774.699101

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.068831
Replacements:                              11380
Total Samples:                            165332
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19773.821157
Acceptance Rate:                        0.069034
Replacements:                              11430
Total Samples:                            165571
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19773.054276

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.069254
Replacements:                              11480
Total Samples:                            165766
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19772.391067
Acceptance Rate:                        0.069462
Replacements:                              11530
Total Samples:                            165989
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19771.775760

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.069674
Replacements:                              11580
Total Samples:                            166202
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19771.166934
Acceptance Rate:                        0.069901
Replacements:                              11630
Total Samples:                            166379
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19770.517137

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.070119
Replacements:                              11680
Total Samples:                            166573
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19769.926964
Acceptance Rate:                        0.070327
Replacements:                              11730
Total Samples:                            166793
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19769.370853

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.070533
Replacements:                              11780
Total Samples:                            167013
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19768.799800
Acceptance Rate:                        0.070724
Replacements:                              11830
Total Samples:                            167270
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19768.249204

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.070931
Replacements:                              11880
Total Samples:                            167486
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19767.667754
Acceptance Rate:                        0.071142
Replacements:                              11930
Total Samples:                            167693
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19767.162178

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.071359
Replacements:                              11980
Total Samples:                            167884
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19766.699758
Acceptance Rate:                        0.071588
Replacements:                              12030
Total Samples:                            168046
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19766.260158

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.071801
Replacements:                              12080
Total Samples:                            168243
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19765.874209
Acceptance Rate:                        0.072039
Replacements:                              12130
Total Samples:                            168381
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19765.485571

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.072278
Replacements:                              12180
Total Samples:                            168516
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19765.137329
Acceptance Rate:                        0.072499
Replacements:                              12230
Total Samples:                            168693
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19764.798998

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.072728
Replacements:                              12280
Total Samples:                            168849
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19764.465159
Acceptance Rate:                        0.072964
Replacements:                              12330
Total Samples:                            168988
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19764.162803

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.073194
Replacements:                              12380
Total Samples:                            169140
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19763.865663
Acceptance Rate:                        0.073430
Replacements:                              12430
Total Samples:                            169277
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19763.558675

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.073671
Replacements:                              12480
Total Samples:                            169402
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19763.264366
Acceptance Rate:                        0.073911
Replacements:                              12530
Total Samples:                            169528
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19762.982245

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.074132
Replacements:                              12580
Total Samples:                            169698
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19762.723290
Acceptance Rate:                        0.074363
Replacements:                              12630
Total Samples:                            169842
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19762.465394

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.074592
Replacements:                              12680
Total Samples:                            169992
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19762.209716
Acceptance Rate:                        0.074826
Replacements:                              12730
Total Samples:                            170128
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19761.966624

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.075076
Replacements:                              12780
Total Samples:                            170227
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19761.732797
Acceptance Rate:                        0.075316
Replacements:                              12830
Total Samples:                            170350
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19761.498763

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.075559
Replacements:                              12880
Total Samples:                            170463
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19761.255266
Acceptance Rate:                        0.075799
Replacements:                              12930
Total Samples:                            170582
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19761.020479

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.076032
Replacements:                              12980
Total Samples:                            170717
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19760.790342
Acceptance Rate:                        0.076270
Replacements:                              13030
Total Samples:                            170840
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19760.567237

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.076513
Replacements:                              13080
Total Samples:                            170952
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19760.337197
Acceptance Rate:                        0.076759
Replacements:                              13130
Total Samples:                            171055
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19760.102688

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.077004
Replacements:                              13180
Total Samples:                            171160
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19759.882667
Acceptance Rate:                        0.077247
Replacements:                              13230
Total Samples:                            171269
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19759.685548

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.077487
Replacements:                              13280
Total Samples:                            171383
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19759.506916
Acceptance Rate:                        0.077719
Replacements:                              13330
Total Samples:                            171516
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19759.349114

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.077957
Replacements:                              13380
Total Samples:                            171633
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19759.209412
Acceptance Rate:                        0.078195
Replacements:                              13430
Total Samples:                            171750
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19759.076935

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.078432
Replacements:                              13480
Total Samples:                            171868
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.947247
Acceptance Rate:                        0.078671
Replacements:                              13530
Total Samples:                            171982
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.828583

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.078907
Replacements:                              13580
Total Samples:                            172101
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.722309
Acceptance Rate:                        0.079142
Replacements:                              13630
Total Samples:                            172222
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.623146

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.079383
Replacements:                              13680
Total Samples:                            172330
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.529836
Acceptance Rate:                        0.079625
Replacements:                              13730
Total Samples:                            172433
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.441266

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.079870
Replacements:                              13780
Total Samples:                            172531
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.356940
Acceptance Rate:                        0.080107
Replacements:                              13830
Total Samples:                            172645
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.280124

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.080346
Replacements:                              13880
Total Samples:                            172752
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.212713
Acceptance Rate:                        0.080593
Replacements:                              13930
Total Samples:                            172844
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.151744

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.080828
Replacements:                              13980
Total Samples:                            172960
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.094581
Acceptance Rate:                        0.081073
Replacements:                              14030
Total Samples:                            173053
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19758.044303

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.081315
Replacements:                              14080
Total Samples:                            173154
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19757.997238
Acceptance Rate:                        0.081562
Replacements:                              14130
Total Samples:                            173242
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19757.954089

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.081808
Replacements:                              14180
Total Samples:                            173333
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19757.915519
Acceptance Rate:                        0.082059
Replacements:                              14230
Total Samples:                            173412
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19757.881484

 MultiNest Warning!
 Parameter            7  of mode            1  is converging towards the edge of the prior.
Acceptance Rate:                        0.082306
Replacements:                              14280
Total Samples:                            173498
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19757.849994
Acceptance Rate:                        0.082541
Replacements:                              14330
Total Samples:                            173611
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19757.821629
Acceptance Rate:                        0.082732
Replacements:                              14369
Total Samples:                            173682
Nested Sampling ln(Z):             -19757.801353
 ln(ev)=  -19757.647118715940      +/-  0.63789693112889712     
 Total Likelihood Evaluations:       173682
 Sampling finished. Exiting MultiNest
 Param            1  posterior mean:    11.4337797    
 Param            2  posterior mean:    1.03929603    
 Param            3  posterior mean:   -2.28949761    
 Param            4  posterior mean:   0.239051148    
 Param            5  posterior mean:    1.65422213    
 Param            6  posterior mean:    1.92305458    
 Param            7  posterior mean:   -1.96844256    
 Param            8  posterior mean:    7.57980794E-02
 Param            9  posterior mean:    8.70604229    
 Param           10  posterior mean:  -0.459410399    
 Param           11  posterior mean:   -9.92111111    
 Param           12  posterior mean:    11.2217026    
 fileName: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/data/VANDELS_spectra/138449_P1M1Q2_032_1_table.fits                                                                                                                                                                                     
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  180
 dimensionality =   12
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.962343
Replacements:                                230
Total Samples:                               239
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.861538
Replacements:                                280
Total Samples:                               325
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.781991
Replacements:                                330
Total Samples:                               422
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.729367
Replacements:                                380
Total Samples:                               521
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.699187
Replacements:                                430
Total Samples:                               615
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.613811
Replacements:                                480
Total Samples:                               782
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.556723
Replacements:                                530
Total Samples:                               952
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.514184
Replacements:                                580
Total Samples:                              1128
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.485736
Replacements:                                630
Total Samples:                              1297
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.464481
Replacements:                                680
Total Samples:                              1464
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.454263
Replacements:                                730
Total Samples:                              1607
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.437220
Replacements:                                780
Total Samples:                              1784
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.424335
Replacements:                                830
Total Samples:                              1956
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.400364
Replacements:                                880
Total Samples:                              2198
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.386694
Replacements:                                930
Total Samples:                              2405
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.372199
Replacements:                                980
Total Samples:                              2633
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.357019
Replacements:                               1030
Total Samples:                              2885
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.348050
Replacements:                               1080
Total Samples:                              3103
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.332940
Replacements:                               1130
Total Samples:                              3394
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.323731
Replacements:                               1180
Total Samples:                              3645
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.313376
Replacements:                               1230
Total Samples:                              3925
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.294999
Replacements:                               1280
Total Samples:                              4339
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.287941
Replacements:                               1330
Total Samples:                              4619
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.280830
Replacements:                               1380
Total Samples:                              4914
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.275902
Replacements:                               1430
Total Samples:                              5183
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.272610
Replacements:                               1480
Total Samples:                              5429
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.269319
Replacements:                               1530
Total Samples:                              5681
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.266892
Replacements:                               1580
Total Samples:                              5920
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.263115
Replacements:                               1630
Total Samples:                              6195
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.257787
Replacements:                               1680
Total Samples:                              6517
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.253815
Replacements:                               1730
Total Samples:                              6816
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.246094
Replacements:                               1780
Total Samples:                              7233
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.244163
Replacements:                               1830
Total Samples:                              7495
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.241832
Replacements:                               1880
Total Samples:                              7774
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.235970
Replacements:                               1930
Total Samples:                              8179
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.232258
Replacements:                               1980
Total Samples:                              8525
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.228732
Replacements:                               2030
Total Samples:                              8875
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.224525
Replacements:                               2080
Total Samples:                              9264
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.221391
Replacements:                               2130
Total Samples:                              9621
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.219140
Replacements:                               2180
Total Samples:                              9948
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.214464
Replacements:                               2230
Total Samples:                             10398
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.211699
Replacements:                               2280
Total Samples:                             10770
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.210802
Replacements:                               2330
Total Samples:                             11053
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.208717
Replacements:                               2380
Total Samples:                             11403
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.203842
Replacements:                               2430
Total Samples:                             11921
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.200842
Replacements:                               2480
Total Samples:                             12348
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.197533
Replacements:                               2530
Total Samples:                             12808
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.194555
Replacements:                               2580
Total Samples:                             13261
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.189714
Replacements:                               2630
Total Samples:                             13863
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.186552
Replacements:                               2680
Total Samples:                             14366
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.182085
Replacements:                               2730
Total Samples:                             14993
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.179494
Replacements:                               2780
Total Samples:                             15488
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.175526
Replacements:                               2830
Total Samples:                             16123
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.169641
Replacements:                               2880
Total Samples:                             16977
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.165968
Replacements:                               2930
Total Samples:                             17654
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.158258
Replacements:                               2980
Total Samples:                             18830
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.151956
Replacements:                               3030
Total Samples:                             19940
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.144418
Replacements:                               3080
Total Samples:                             21327
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.140744
Replacements:                               3130
Total Samples:                             22239
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.136282
Replacements:                               3180
Total Samples:                             23334
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.134780
Replacements:                               3230
Total Samples:                             23965
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.130547
Replacements:                               3280
Total Samples:                             25125
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.126935
Replacements:                               3330
Total Samples:                             26234
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.124595
Replacements:                               3380
Total Samples:                             27128
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.122592
Replacements:                               3430
Total Samples:                             27979
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.120474
Replacements:                               3480
Total Samples:                             28886
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.118127
Replacements:                               3530
Total Samples:                             29883
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.114924
Replacements:                               3580
Total Samples:                             31151
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.111596
Replacements:                               3630
Total Samples:                             32528
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.108815
Replacements:                               3680
Total Samples:                             33819
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.106253
Replacements:                               3730
Total Samples:                             35105
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.103880
Replacements:                               3780
Total Samples:                             36388
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.100789
Replacements:                               3830
Total Samples:                             38000
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.098044
Replacements:                               3880
Total Samples:                             39574
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.095837
Replacements:                               3930
Total Samples:                             41007
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.091652
Replacements:                               3980
Total Samples:                             43425
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.089395
Replacements:                               4030
Total Samples:                             45081
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.087031
Replacements:                               4080
Total Samples:                             46880
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.085706
Replacements:                               4130
Total Samples:                             48188
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.084078
Replacements:                               4180
Total Samples:                             49716
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.080859
Replacements:                               4230
Total Samples:                             52313
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.077039
Replacements:                               4280
Total Samples:                             55556
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.074113
Replacements:                               4330
Total Samples:                             58424
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.071469
Replacements:                               4380
Total Samples:                             61285
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.068988
Replacements:                               4430
Total Samples:                             64214
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.065864
Replacements:                               4480
Total Samples:                             68019
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.062318
Replacements:                               4530
Total Samples:                             72692
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.059870
Replacements:                               4580
Total Samples:                             76499
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.056258
Replacements:                               4630
Total Samples:                             82300
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.053239
Replacements:                               4680
Total Samples:                             87906
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.050867
Replacements:                               4730
Total Samples:                             92987
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.048406
Replacements:                               4780
Total Samples:                             98749
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.044459
Replacements:                               4830
Total Samples:                            108640
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.042017
Replacements:                               4880
Total Samples:                            116143
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.039917
Replacements:                               4930
Total Samples:                            123507
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.038054
Replacements:                               4980
Total Samples:                            130867
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.036579
Replacements:                               5030
Total Samples:                            137510
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.035180
Replacements:                               5080
Total Samples:                            144400
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.034462
Replacements:                               5130
Total Samples:                            148858
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.033758
Replacements:                               5180
Total Samples:                            153447
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.032947
Replacements:                               5230
Total Samples:                            158740
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.032132
Replacements:                               5280
Total Samples:                            164323
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.031380
Replacements:                               5330
Total Samples:                            169856
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.030015
Replacements:                               5380
Total Samples:                            179245
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.028883
Replacements:                               5430
Total Samples:                            187997
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.028103
Replacements:                               5480
Total Samples:                            194996
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.026821
Replacements:                               5530
Total Samples:                            206178
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.025565
Replacements:                               5580
Total Samples:                            218270
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.024582
Replacements:                               5630
Total Samples:                            229028
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.023365
Replacements:                               5680
Total Samples:                            243100
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.021900
Replacements:                               5730
Total Samples:                            261642
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.020762
Replacements:                               5780
Total Samples:                            278395
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.019749
Replacements:                               5830
Total Samples:                            295210
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.017744
Replacements:                               5880
Total Samples:                            331380
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.015417
Replacements:                               5930
Total Samples:                            384636
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
Acceptance Rate:                        0.014163
Replacements:                               5980
Total Samples:                            422227
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************
jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

Perhaps we can move this to a new issue, and close this one? There are a few options to understand what's going on, in the meantime you can post (in the new issue) a plot showing the original data (w errors) and the best-fit model superimposed (for the spectrum that was fitted)

ACCarnall commented 8 years ago

Ok, I'll do that, I've not actually managed to get PyP-BEAGLE to give me that kind of output yet though, I've created an issue in that repository.

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

Closing this, since they original error has been solved