jacopo-chevallard / BEAGLE-general

Basic information to get started with the galaxy spectral modelling tool Beagle
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Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction running with either fit_photometry_example or fit_spectroscopy example #7

Closed hrbeagle closed 7 years ago

hrbeagle commented 8 years ago

Here is the full screen output:

 Reading Filter File: /BEAGLE_virtual_workdir/filters/FILTERBIN.RES
 271 filters defined, out of 300                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> dependent                     nebular_logU                               0
 ---> fixed                         nebular_xi                                 0
 ---> dependent                     nebular_Z                                  0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 n_fitted:            5
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  150
 dimensionality =    5
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 --- LINEAR:  X0 =  2.293E+02 is outside X range --- 9.000E+02 6.010E+04      2362
 ---   Error reported only once. It may occur more than once. ---
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.970874
Replacements:                                200
Total Samples:                               206
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -209.217228
Acceptance Rate:                        0.871080
Replacements:                                250
Total Samples:                               287
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -207.274454
Acceptance Rate:                        0.735294
Replacements:                                300
Total Samples:                               408
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -206.747214

Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7F982F86B777
#1  0x7F982F86BD7E
#2  0x7F982EFA7D3F
#3  0x7F98306A3322
#4  0x7F98306A38E8
#5  0x7F9830556C8C
#6  0x7F98309F650F
#7  0x7F9830A17B7A
#8  0x7F9830A1BDBB
#9  0x7F9830A1ECFD
#10  0x7F9830A4C8D1
#11  0x574B4C in __utils1_MOD_diagonalize at utils1.f90:58 (discriminator 2)
#12  0x575CD1 in __utils1_MOD_calcellprop at utils1.f90:359
#13  0x57F787 in __xmeans_clstr_MOD_dinosaur at xmeans_clstr.f90:1988
#14  0x5512ED in __nested_MOD_clusterednest at nested.F90:1451
#15  0x562044 in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:365 (discriminator 1)
#16  0x562E9C in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#17  0x53316D in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:133
#18  0x52816A in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:235 (discriminator 1)
#19  0x41414F in beagle at BEAGLE.f90:402 (discriminator 2)
eclake commented 8 years ago

OK - I haven't been able to reproduce this error and so currently can't debug it directly - am looking at re-compiling with different gdb flags to get a more informative stack trace.

Also, it might be a good idea to collect data: @adelave1 - from other issues your os is OS X El Capitan, Version 10.11.6, please can you let me know the docker toolbox version you're using as well as the version of VirtualBox?

As for my own system, I'm also using OS X El Capitan, Version 10.11.6 and cannot reproduce the problem using Docker platform Version 1.12.0-rc4-beta20

I will try and reproduce the error using the exact version combination.

alex-delavega commented 8 years ago

@eclake - I'm using the Docker platform, Version 1.12.0-beta22, and VirtualBox 5.1.2.

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

By following the backtrace, it looks like the error arises from these lines of code, in MultiNest

      call DSYEVR( 'V', 'A', 'U', n, a, n, vl, vu, il, iu, &
      abstol, m, diag, Z, n, isuppz, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, ierr )

And the subroutine DSYEVR is a LAPACK routine

I never saw such error (Illegal instructions), though, but quoting from this page

An illegal instruction error normally means you are using a version of gfortran on the wrong architecture (ie., i686 on amd64).

The reason may be the use of OpenBLAS instead of a standard LAPACK/BLAS library...OpenBLAS optimizes LAPACK on a particular architecture, so, perhaps, this creates issues on different architectures...

@eclake Since we are planning (tonight) a new Docker-Beagle release, it may be worth linking vs LAPACK, instead of OpenBLAS, leaving OpenBLAS only when we compile Beagle.

The best way to proceed for this would be:

Let me know if you need any help!!

eclake commented 8 years ago

Hi @adelave1 - I have pushed a new docker image to dockerhub following @jacopo-chevallard 's suggestions - you can pull it with

docker login
docker pull eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test

and then when you run please also use the full name plus version for the docker image.

Please could you try running this again with the new image to see if it solves the problem? Thanks!

jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

@rmastand can you try to above steps as well?

alex-delavega commented 8 years ago

@eclake, sorry for the delay! Using beagle:0.5.7_test, I get the same type of error for both fit_spectrum_example.param:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test 1 /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_spectrum_example.param

  All the templates read.
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fixed                         current_sfr_timescale                      0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 ---> fitted                        specific_sfr                               1
 ---> fitted                        formation_redshift                         1
 n_fitted:            6
 fileName: /opt/BEAGLE/data/spectra/example_spec_0.fits                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =   90
 dimensionality =    6
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points

 Reading Filter File: /opt/BEAGLE/build/FILTERBIN.RES
 271 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.939597
Replacements:                                140
Total Samples:                               149
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************

Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7F1C1E344E08
#1  0x7F1C1E343F90
#2  0x7F1C1DA7649F
#3  0x7F1C8410A562
#4  0x7F1C8410AB44
#5  0x7F1C83FBDF0B
#6  0x7F1C8443C249
#7  0x7F1C8445CB0E
#8  0x7F1C844608DE
#9  0x7F1C84463627
#10  0x7F1C8448F475
#11  0x7775D8 in __utils1_MOD_diagonalize at utils1.f90:58 (discriminator 44)
#12  0x778669 in __utils1_MOD_calcellprop at utils1.f90:359
#13  0x74590D in __xmeans_clstr_MOD_dinosaur at xmeans_clstr.f90:1988
#14  0x721EDE in __nested_MOD_clusterednest at nested.F90:1451
#15  0x73040E in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:365
#16  0x7312C4 in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#17  0x6FB8EC in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:134
#18  0x6F8522 in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:314
#19  0x406F8F in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:465

and fit_photometry_example.param:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test 1 /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_photometry_example.param

  All the templates read.

 Reading Filter File: /opt/BEAGLE/build/FILTERBIN.RES
 271 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 n_fitted:            5
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  150
 dimensionality =    5
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 --- LINEAR:  X0 =  2.293E+02 is outside X range --- 9.000E+02 6.010E+04      1666
 ---   Error reported only once. It may occur more than once. ---
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.970874
Replacements:                                200
Total Samples:                               206
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -232.109725
Acceptance Rate:                        0.871080
Replacements:                                250
Total Samples:                               287
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -230.201445
Acceptance Rate:                        0.735294
Replacements:                                300
Total Samples:                               408
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -229.678528

Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7F252FEA1E08
#1  0x7F252FEA0F90
#2  0x7F252F5D349F
#3  0x7F2595C67562
#4  0x7F2595C67B44
#5  0x7F2595B1AF0B
#6  0x7F2595F99249
#7  0x7F2595FB9B0E
#8  0x7F2595FBD8DE
#9  0x7F2595FC0627
#10  0x7F2595FEC475
#11  0x7775D8 in __utils1_MOD_diagonalize at utils1.f90:58 (discriminator 44)
#12  0x778669 in __utils1_MOD_calcellprop at utils1.f90:359
#13  0x74590D in __xmeans_clstr_MOD_dinosaur at xmeans_clstr.f90:1988
#14  0x721EDE in __nested_MOD_clusterednest at nested.F90:1451
#15  0x73040E in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:365
#16  0x7312C4 in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#17  0x6FB8EC in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:134
#18  0x6F8522 in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:314
#19  0x406F8F in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:465
jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

@eclake @adelave1 which are the differences in your system configuration? You run the same OS X, and emma couldn't reproduce the error using the same virtual box and docker versions? At this point I would rather look into Docker / Virtual Box...

For instance, did you, Alex, double check the virtual memory? Can you, Emma, compare your virtual box settings with Alex's ones?

eclake commented 8 years ago

Docker platform doesn't use virtualbox directly - one has to increase the memory through the docker icon and not through virtualbox. My settings are currently:


The docker platform is in beta, so it might be worth trying with Docker toolbox instead, although I'm pretty sure the original issue posted in this thread was also posted from docker toolbox.

If that doesn't work then I have used this before to allow someone to install software for me remotely before going observing. @adelave1 - if Docker Toolbox didn't work is that something that you might be able to install for me to diagnose the problem given that I can't reproduce it? (I just used the free trial and then uninstalled it as soon as the software installation was successful) If your laptop is an institute laptop then that probably wouldn't be an option but maybe @hrbeagle would let me take a look at her laptop when I'm back in Paris?

alex-delavega commented 8 years ago

@eclake, here are my results using Docker toolbox for fit_spectrum_example.param:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test 1 /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_spectrum_example.param

  All the templates read.
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fixed                         current_sfr_timescale                      0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 ---> fitted                        specific_sfr                               1
 ---> fitted                        formation_redshift                         1
 n_fitted:            6
 fileName: /opt/BEAGLE/data/spectra/example_spec_0.fits                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =   90
 dimensionality =    6
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points

 Reading Filter File: /opt/BEAGLE/build/FILTERBIN.RES
 271 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.939597
Replacements:                                140
Total Samples:                               149
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************

Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7f72f410ccc2
#1  0x7f72f410bf90
#2  0x7f72f383e49f
#3  0x7f7359ed2562
#4  0x7f7359ed2b44
#5  0x7f7359d85f0b
#6  0x7f735a204249
#7  0x7f735a224b0e
#8  0x7f735a2288de
#9  0x7f735a22b627
#10  0x7f735a257475
#11  0x7775d8
#12  0x778669
#13  0x74590d
#14  0x721ede
#15  0x73040e
#16  0x7312c4
#17  0x6fb8ec
#18  0x6f8522
#19  0x406f8f
#20  0x4055ec
#21  0x7f72f382982f
#22  0x405628
#23  0xffffffffffffffff

and for fit_photometry_example.param:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test 1 /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_photometry_example.param

  All the templates read.

 Reading Filter File: /opt/BEAGLE/build/FILTERBIN.RES
 271 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 n_fitted:            5
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  150
 dimensionality =    5
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 --- LINEAR:  X0 =  2.293E+02 is outside X range --- 9.000E+02 6.010E+04      1666
 ---   Error reported only once. It may occur more than once. ---
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.970874
Replacements:                                200
Total Samples:                               206
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -232.109725
Acceptance Rate:                        0.871080
Replacements:                                250
Total Samples:                               287
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -230.201445
Acceptance Rate:                        0.735294
Replacements:                                300
Total Samples:                               408
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -229.678528

Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7F55D1922E08
#1  0x7F55D1921F90
#2  0x7F55D105449F
#3  0x7F56376E8562
#4  0x7F56376E8B44
#5  0x7F563759BF0B
#6  0x7F5637A1A249
#7  0x7F5637A3AB0E
#8  0x7F5637A3E8DE
#9  0x7F5637A41627
#10  0x7F5637A6D475
#11  0x7775D8 in __utils1_MOD_diagonalize at utils1.f90:58 (discriminator 44)
#12  0x778669 in __utils1_MOD_calcellprop at utils1.f90:359
#13  0x74590D in __xmeans_clstr_MOD_dinosaur at xmeans_clstr.f90:1988
#14  0x721EDE in __nested_MOD_clusterednest at nested.F90:1451
#15  0x73040E in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:365
#16  0x7312C4 in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#17  0x6FB8EC in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:134
#18  0x6F8522 in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:314
#19  0x406F8F in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:465

I'm also running Docker beta using 1 CPU and 8GB of memory. I've downloaded GoToMyPC if you'd like to diagnose the issue on my laptop. Would you need my GoToMyPC password? You can email me at adelave1@jhu.edu if necessary.

rmastand commented 8 years ago

@jacopo-chevallard Still having problems; I reinstalled the docker platform, virtualbox, etc, but I still think the problem is in actually pulling the code.

eclake commented 8 years ago

Thank you @adelave1 - I'll be in touch to organise!

eclake commented 8 years ago

current progress on solving this issue (thanks so much for letting me use your laptop @adelave1 ):

My installation of LAPACK in the docker image did not include the BLAS libraries - I think that wasn't causing a compilation error because I had only removed libopenblas.a from /BEAGLE_install/lib but not the shared libraries.

For information @jacopo-chevallard - it's not simple to use homebrew on a docker image - it requires installing homebrew which adds to the bloat of the image so apt-get install or git clone and compile from source are the best ways to go for any suggested installations. Maybe your homebrew LAPACK installation contained the BLAS libraries? I ended up researching how to install using apt-get install but these didn't come with them.

I've found an install that includes the BLAS libraries that I hope will be architecture-independent (still to be tested). Encountering some linking issues at the moment, but can work on solving them on my own machine with @jacopo-chevallard's help and make a new test image for @adelave1 to try.

eclake commented 8 years ago

@adelave1 - please could you try pulling and running eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test2 - if that one works then I'll make a v0.5.8 image that will work for you too!

alex-delavega commented 8 years ago

@eclake - sorry for the delay! I pulled eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test2 and achieved the same error as before with fit_spectrum_example.param:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test2 1 /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_spectrum_example.param

  All the templates read.
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fixed                         current_sfr_timescale                      0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 ---> fitted                        specific_sfr                               1
 ---> fitted                        formation_redshift                         1
 n_fitted:            6
 fileName: /opt/BEAGLE/data/spectra/example_spec_0.fits                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =   90
 dimensionality =    6
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points

 Reading Filter File: /opt/BEAGLE/build/FILTERBIN.RES
 271 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.939597
Replacements:                                140
Total Samples:                               149
Nested Sampling ln(Z):            **************

Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7FCB12707E08
#1  0x7FCB12706F90
#2  0x7FCB11E3949F
#3  0x7FCB784CD562
#4  0x7FCB784CDB44
#5  0x7FCB78380F0B
#6  0x7FCB787FF249
#7  0x7FCB7881FB0E
#8  0x7FCB788238DE
#9  0x7FCB78826627
#10  0x7FCB78852475
#11  0x7775D8 in __utils1_MOD_diagonalize at utils1.f90:58 (discriminator 44)
#12  0x778669 in __utils1_MOD_calcellprop at utils1.f90:359
#13  0x74590D in __xmeans_clstr_MOD_dinosaur at xmeans_clstr.f90:1988
#14  0x721EDE in __nested_MOD_clusterednest at nested.F90:1451
#15  0x73040E in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:365
#16  0x7312C4 in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#17  0x6FB8EC in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:134
#18  0x6F8522 in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:314
#19  0x406F8F in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:465

and for fit_photometry_example.param:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list eclake/beagle:0.5.7_test2 1 /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_photometry_example.param

  All the templates read.

 Reading Filter File: /opt/BEAGLE/build/FILTERBIN.RES
 271 filters defined, out of 500                                maximum     ...done
 ---> fixed                         sfh_type                                   0
 ---> fitted                        mass                                       0
 ---> fitted                        redshift                                   0
 ---> fixed                         attenuation_type                           0
 ---> fitted                        tauV_eff                                   0
 ---> fixed                         mu                                         0
 ---> fitted                        tau                                        1
 ---> fitted                        metallicity                                1
 n_fitted:            5
 MultiNest v3.9
 Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
 Release Oct 2014

 no. of live points =  150
 dimensionality =    5
 Starting MultiNest
 generating live points
 --- LINEAR:  X0 =  2.293E+02 is outside X range --- 9.000E+02 6.010E+04      1666
 ---   Error reported only once. It may occur more than once. ---
 live points generated, starting sampling
Acceptance Rate:                        0.970874
Replacements:                                200
Total Samples:                               206
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -232.109725
Acceptance Rate:                        0.871080
Replacements:                                250
Total Samples:                               287
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -230.201445
Acceptance Rate:                        0.735294
Replacements:                                300
Total Samples:                               408
Nested Sampling ln(Z):               -229.678528

Program received signal SIGILL: Illegal instruction.

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7FF526172E08
#1  0x7FF526171F90
#2  0x7FF5258A449F
#3  0x7FF58BF38562
#4  0x7FF58BF38B44
#5  0x7FF58BDEBF0B
#6  0x7FF58C26A249
#7  0x7FF58C28AB0E
#8  0x7FF58C28E8DE
#9  0x7FF58C291627
#10  0x7FF58C2BD475
#11  0x7775D8 in __utils1_MOD_diagonalize at utils1.f90:58 (discriminator 44)
#12  0x778669 in __utils1_MOD_calcellprop at utils1.f90:359
#13  0x74590D in __xmeans_clstr_MOD_dinosaur at xmeans_clstr.f90:1988
#14  0x721EDE in __nested_MOD_clusterednest at nested.F90:1451
#15  0x73040E in __nested_MOD_nestsample at nested.F90:365
#16  0x7312C4 in __nested_MOD_nestrun at nested.F90:239
#17  0x6FB8EC in __nested_sampling_MOD_run_nested_sampling at nested_sampling.f90:134
#18  0x6F8522 in __prosit_MOD_sample_pdf at PROSIT.f90:314
#19  0x406F8F in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:465
jacopo-chevallard commented 8 years ago

too bad... I'll prepare a test of MultiNest alone, outside Beagle, so we can try to understand the origin of the problem in a simpler way...

jacopo-chevallard commented 7 years ago

@alex-delavega can you (re)try by replacing eclake/beagle:<tag> with beagletool/beagle:<tag>, where <tag> is 0.7.1, i.e. you have to pull

docker pull beagletool/beagle:0.7.1
alex-delavega commented 7 years ago

@jacopo-chevallard, I tried your suggestion and received the following error:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list beagletool/beagle:0.7.1 1 /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_spectrum_example.param
BEAGLE: error: switch "1" is unknown!

         [ERROR: Error during parsing of command line arguments! ]
 [FUNCTION: "main" ]
#0  0x7F3B23433E08
#1  0x6319FC in print_backtrace at lib_messages.f90:330
#2  0x407474 in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:213
 [ ***************************************** ]
 [ ----> EXITING FUNCTION / SUBROUTINE <---- ]                      
 [ ***** STOPPING PROGRAM ***** ]
jacopo-chevallard commented 7 years ago

Oups, forgot to mention that we slightly changed the command line interface... you should try with

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list beagletool/beagle:0.7.1 --parameter-file /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_spectrum_example.param --fit
alex-delavega commented 7 years ago

@jacopo-chevallard, I still seem to be having issues:

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list beagletool/beagle:0.7.1 --parameter-file /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_spectrum_example.param --fit
         [ERROR: Argument # 1 (i.e. program type) missing or wrong. ]
#0  0x7F84412DCE08
#1  0x6319FC in print_backtrace at lib_messages.f90:330
#2  0x407705 in MAIN__ at BEAGLE.f90:260
 [ ***************************************** ]
 [ ----> EXITING FUNCTION / SUBROUTINE <---- ]                         
 [ ***** STOPPING PROGRAM ***** ]
jacopo-chevallard commented 7 years ago

Again, my fault, I had forgotten to remove the old command line interface from the program...

You should try with version 0.7.2, i.e. pulling

docker pull beagletool/beagle:0.7.2
alex-delavega commented 7 years ago

@jacopo-chevallard, success! Worked for both fit_spectrum_example.param and fit_photometry_example.param!

jacopo-chevallard commented 7 years ago

Fantastic !! Ideally, @hrbeagle will also test the new Beagle-Docker by pulling

docker pull beagletool/beagle:0.7.2

and running

docker run --rm -it -v /Users/vega/Desktop/BEAGLE/BEAGLE-general-master:/opt/BEAGLE --env-file env.list beagletool/beagle:0.7.1 --parameter-file /opt/BEAGLE/params/fit_spectrum_example.param --fit

(changing the path where appropriate)

jacopo-chevallard commented 7 years ago

closing this, no new errors of this type appeared