jacopocolo / Penzil

A web application to sketch in 3d made in three.js and Vue
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Error on start recording button press #15

Open LeonLenclos opened 3 years ago

LeonLenclos commented 3 years ago

With Firefox 78.11.0esr

When I click on Start recording nothing appends on the UI and an error is thrown :

ERROR /home/user/h264-mp4-encoder.cpp(175): Size must be a multiple of 2 h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1:953528
    EXPR: sizeof_result != H264E_STATUS_SIZE_NOT_MULTIPLE_2 h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1:953528
    FUNC: void H264MP4Encoder::initialize() h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1:953528

undefined h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1:6404

undefined h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1:6409

Uncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: abort(undefined). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info.
    sA h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1
    abort h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1
    dynCall_vii h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1
    dynCall_vii_34 chunk-vendors.329dcd92.js line 32 > Function:4
    H264MP4Encoder$initialize chunk-vendors.329dcd92.js line 32 > Function:8
    startRecording VideoExportPreview.vue:168
    sA h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1
    abort h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1
    <anonyme> chunk-vendors.329dcd92.js line 32 > WebAssembly.instantiate:60419
    <anonyme> chunk-vendors.329dcd92.js line 32 > WebAssembly.instantiate:10450
    <anonyme> chunk-vendors.329dcd92.js line 32 > WebAssembly.instantiate:643363
    dynCall_vii h264-mp4-encoder.node.js:1
    dynCall_vii_34 chunk-vendors.329dcd92.js line 32 > Function:4
    H264MP4Encoder$initialize chunk-vendors.329dcd92.js line 32 > Function:8
    startRecording VideoExportPreview.vue:168
hybridherbst commented 2 years ago

Can confirm, same error.