jacopotarantino / Lovelace

Styleguide and language-agnostic UI component framework.
6 stars 0 forks source link

2.0 rearchitecture #20

Open jacopotarantino opened 9 years ago

jacopotarantino commented 9 years ago

lovelace-server provides an http endpoint to fetch components takes UI components as a sub-repo or maybe it's a dependency of a project? if it's a dependency, how does the project require and run it? lovelace-node provides an API to hit that endpoint in nodejs lovelace-client is an addition to lovelace-server that serves a compiled client file lovelace-styleguide generates/serves a complete website documenting components/styles/scripts

concerns: separating lovelace into repos/projects requires a versioned lovelace-serve API or updating all projects lock-step how to do mvc-style ui components with lovelace + possibly a framework? maybe lovelace is only for server-side apps? can anything be done async ever?