jacopotarantino / angular-match-media

Angular module to use Bootstrap3 media queries in your angular controllers.
135 stars 37 forks source link

Documentation issue, matchMedia should be ngMediaMatch #12

Closed alanquigley closed 9 years ago

alanquigley commented 9 years ago

Could be confusing.

alanquigley commented 9 years ago

Sorry, thats a bower issue, bower install angular-match-media installs https://github.com/IlanFrumer/angular-match-media

jacopotarantino commented 9 years ago

@alanquigley yeah haha. Sorry for that. Getting the package manager namespace you want for a project is getting harder and harder these days.

jacopotarantino commented 9 years ago

Hope the plugin helps, btw. Let me know if you have questions or leave a note so I can see where it's being used :)