jacopotarantino / angular-match-media

Angular module to use Bootstrap3 media queries in your angular controllers.
135 stars 37 forks source link

Could you release the latest version on npm? #36

Closed kennynaoh closed 8 years ago

kennynaoh commented 8 years ago

Hello @jacopotarantino , I am the member of cdnjs project. We want to host this library. But I need some help. Because I saw the latest version on github is v0.6.0, the latest version on npm is v0.5.1. Could you help me release the latest version on npm? Thanks for your help!


jacopotarantino commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the request and sorry for the delay. Version 0.6.1 (mostly just to avoid trying to "fix" some errant old tags) is now available on npm and github. If you can, comment back when it's up on cdnjs. Thanks again!

kennynaoh commented 8 years ago
