jacott / Enhanced-Ruby-Mode

An enhanced ruby-mode for Emacs that uses Ripper in ruby 1.9.2 to highlight and indent the source code
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syntax highlighting seems to bork all other highlighting #22

Closed zenspider closed 9 years ago

zenspider commented 11 years ago

I use whitespace-mode and my own highlighter for HACK/FIX/REFACTOR/etc tags and they're drowned out by your mode's highlighting. You can occasionally see blank-mode flickering and then getting overwritten.

I don't know modes/faces well enough to debug this.

My whitespace (customize) setup:

 '(whitespace-global-modes (quote (ruby-mode emacs-lisp-mode scheme-mode)))
 '(whitespace-style (quote (face tabs trailing lines-tail space-before-tab empty))))

This should work out of the box with 24... possibly 23 as well. Make a ruby file with a long line or mix in tabs and you should see extra highlighting with normal ruby mode but not on ERM.