jacquelinelala / GFN

Gated Fusion Network for Joint Image Deblurring and Super-Resolution(BMVC 2018 Oral)
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Turn a single LR blurred image into into a high-resolution image #27

Closed thaboub closed 2 years ago

thaboub commented 3 years ago

Hi Zhang, Great work and great results! Thank you very much. I am wondering if I could turn a single LR blurred image, without having its corresponding ground truth, into a high-resolution image by using the same developed model. In other words, instead of validating the dataset (GOPRO_Large\LR-GOPRO\Validation_4x), I would like to evaluate only a single LR blurred image and get deblurred. What is the syntax that I can use instead of the below one python test_GFN_4x.py --dataset GOPRO_Large\LR-GOPRO\Validation_4x

Thank you very much Abdel

jacquelinelala commented 3 years ago

This is the same issue. Please refer to #25