jacquesh / foo_openlyrics

An open-source lyric display panel for foobar2000
MIT License
429 stars 24 forks source link

Source: lyricsify.com [Synced Lyrics] #171

Closed Rexadev closed 1 week ago

Rexadev commented 2 years ago

Song - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mannish_Boy



Example 2- https://www.lyricsify.com/lyrics/bon-jovi/runaway/ZmNTZQ

Song https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runaway_(Bon_Jovi_song)


Rexadev commented 1 year ago
#include <foobar2000.h>
#include <your_additional_headers.h>
#include <http/client.h>
#include <helpers/string_helper.h>
#include <html/parsing.h>

class LyricsifySource : public lyrics_source
    void retrieve_lyrics(const metadb_handle_ptr& track, threaded_process_status& p_status, abort_callback& p_abort)
            // Fetch lyrics from lyricsify.com
            pfc::string8 url = get_lyricsify_url(track);
            http_request::ptr request = http_client::get()->create_request("GET");
            request->add_header("User-Agent", "foobar2000");

            // Make an HTTP request to the lyricsify.com page
            http_request::ptr response = request->run(url, p_abort);

            // Parse the HTML response and extract the lyrics
            pfc::string8 lyrics = extract_lyrics(response->get_content());

            // Format the lyrics for display in the LYRICS tab
            lyrics = format_lyrics(lyrics);

            // Update the lyrics display in the LYRICS tab
            set_result(track, lyrics);
        catch (std::exception& e)
            console::info("Failed to fetch lyrics: %s", e.what());

    pfc::string8 get_lyricsify_url(const metadb_handle_ptr& track)
        // Implement the logic to retrieve the lyricsify.com URL for the given track
        // You may need to construct the URL based on the track's metadata or search for the lyricsify.com URL using a third-party API or database
        return "";

    pfc::string8 extract_lyrics(const pfc::string8& html)
        // Parse the HTML response and extract the lyrics using optimized HTML parsing
        html::parser_dom parser;

        // Find the lyrics node using optimized searching techniques
        html::node::ptr lyricsNode = find_lyrics_node(parser.get_root());

        if (lyricsNode.is_valid())
            // Extract the text content from the lyrics node
            return html::parser::get_inner_text(lyricsNode);

        return "";

    html::node::ptr find_lyrics_node(const html::node::ptr& root)
        // Implement the logic to find the lyrics node in the HTML DOM tree
        // Use optimized searching techniques such as tag names, class names, or other identifying attributes
        html::node::ptr lyricsNode = root->find_first_node("div", "class", "lyrics");
        return lyricsNode;

    pfc::string8 format_lyrics(const pfc::string8& lyrics)
        // Format the lyrics for display in the LYRICS tab
        pfc::string8 formattedLyrics = lyrics;

        // Replace line breaks with actual line breaks in the text
        formattedLyrics.replace_string("<br>", "\n");
        formattedLyrics.replace_string("<br/>", "\n");
        formattedLyrics.replace_string("<br />", "\n");

        return formattedLyrics;

class LyricsifySourceFactory : public service_impl_t<lyrics_source_factory>
    lyrics_source_ptr create()
        return new service_impl_t<LyricsifySource>();

static const service_factory_single_t<LyricsifySourceFactory> g_LyricsifySourceFactory;

extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
    return TRUE;
Tenome commented 1 year ago

I was just about to make a request for this. Not many sources for synced lyrics, so adding this site would be nice.