jacquesh / foo_openlyrics

An open-source lyric display panel for foobar2000
MIT License
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Context Menu Capitalization rewording rearranging suggestions #222

Closed Rexadev closed 1 year ago

Rexadev commented 1 year ago

Capitalization and rewording

Show lyrics > Show Lyrics
Search for lyrics > Search Lyrics
Search for lyrics (manually) > Search Lyrics Manually
Edit lyrics > Edit Lyrics
Mark as instrumental > Mark Instrumental

Rearrange to

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Mark as instrumental
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jacquesh commented 1 year ago

Why? Please provide some justification for changes you suggest.

Rexadev commented 1 year ago

Capitalization - Looks cleaner rewording - Looks shorter



Show lyrics
Search for lyrics
Search for lyrics (manually)
Edit lyrics
Mark as instrumental


Search for lyrics                      - Used for bulk auto tagging. and is most used
Search for lyrics (manually)    - Similar options should be together
Mark as instrumental             - Bulk mark songs as Instrumental
Edit lyrics                                 - Most people will use Panel>RightClick>Edit
Show lyrics                              - At the end before people rarely just read lyrics
