jacquesramphal / jacquesramphal.github.io

Jacques' personal site and playground
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Open jacquesramphal opened 2 years ago

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

Referencing the composable commerce playbook




jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

META TAGS https://css-tricks.com/essential-meta-tags-social-media/

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

checklist https://blog.styla.com/en/22-seo-techniques

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

Anchor Text https://www.semrush.com/blog/what-is-anchor-text-and-how-can-i-optimize-it/?kw=&cmp=CA_SRCH_DSA_Blog_Core_BU_EN&label=dsa_pagefeed&Network=g&Device=c&utm_content=484268842779&kwid=dsa-1057183194235&cmpid=11775480152&agpid=117404313594&BU=Core&extid=23626511725&adpos=&gclid=CjwKCAiA9tyQBhAIEiwA6tdCrIoO1XYvLhs6JTVSx3iyfBbsP5Olu8nVHXYHfziaZGh72Z8qeS2dsBoC34EQAvD_BwE

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

Are your images optimised for the right format?

Since we’ve started speaking about website speed, here is some food for thought: apparently, unoptimised pictures have a 90% impact over site speed — so using the right format (e.g. JPEG instead of PNG) and optimising them further with plugins like WP Smush is essential.

On top of that, you need to make sure that your images weight lighter than a feather. If they're heavy and bulky, this will affect page load speed, which in turn, negatively affects SEO. There are millions of online tools for image compression, e.g. Optimizilla or Image Optimizer (I prefer the first one).

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

SPA SEO https://snipcart.com/blog/spa-seo

Image titles and ALT tags should be descriptively named.

Sitemap should always be defined—the XML sitemap helps search bots understand and index your site.

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago
  1. Security (HTTPS) 🔒

You know that little lock before URLs? You’ll need it.

A valid SSL certificate—and thus a HTTPs connection—will show both users and Googlebot you care about fighting off evil hackers.

Election-meddling Russian cyber-terrorists aside, here’s another good reason to enable SSL on your site:


jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago


lazy loading etc

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

Keywords and search intent https://intuitivedigital.com/blog/seo-keyword-transitioning-website-redesign/

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago
Screen Shot 2022-02-24 at 1 43 24 PM
jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago

mobile first indexing https://developers.google.com/search/mobile-sites/mobile-first-indexing

jacquesramphal commented 2 years ago
