jacquestvanzuydam / laravel-firebird

Firebird Illuminate package for Laravel 5
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PDOException: unsupported driver[firebird #68

Closed selmo47 closed 5 years ago

selmo47 commented 5 years ago

I had installed this package using: composer require jacquestvanzuydam/laravel-firebird:dev-5.5-support and i installed also php7.0-interbase tha enables firebird pdo i enabled pdo-firebird php module with: phpenmod pdo_firebird when i run : php -m it shows me that pdo_firebird is compiled and loaded.

when i print : print_r(PDO::getavailabledrivers()); it shows

[0] => 'firebird'

but when i run laravel thinker and try to execute: App\EMPLOYEE::all();

it shows:

InvalidArgumentException with message: UnsupportedDriver[firebird]'

I'm using php 7 and firebird 2.5 superclassic under ubuntu 16.04 xenial

selmo47 commented 5 years ago

When tryin to debug, i noticed that laravel continue using its ConnectioFactory (from: vendor /laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Connectors/ConnectionFactory.php)

how to enforce it to use the factory defined in this package?

KKSzymanowski commented 5 years ago

Did you register the service provider?

selmo47 commented 5 years ago

that was the error; So sorry

I dont know how i forgot this knowing that it was the subject of my contribution in this repo

thanks @KKSzymanowski

KKSzymanowski commented 5 years ago

It's always the stupidest thing 😄

DJ-Daniel commented 3 years ago

I'm getting the same error but how do I register the service provider?