jacquev6 / DrawGrammar

Draw railroad diagrams of EBNF grammars. In browser and on command line
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Extract inlined rules #4

Open jacquev6 opened 6 years ago

jacquev6 commented 6 years ago

Some grammars have repetitions. Here is a benign example extracted from the OCaml manual:

        '(' typexpr { ',' typexpr } ')' typeconstr
      | '(' typexpr { ',' typexpr } ')' '#' class-path

the '(' typexpr { ',' typexpr } ')' part is duplicated.

If the user adds a rule like:

        '(' typexpr { ',' typexpr } ')'

DrawGrammar could allow her to "outline" it, i.e. draw typeexpr as if it was defined as:

        typexpr-tuple typeconstr
      | typexpr-tuple '#' class-path

This is exactly the reverse of what we've done in #2.