Open magbada88 opened 4 years ago
The job is failing with the following error message: Error: an illegal memory access was encountered launching kernel kNLSkinTest
Here an example of my slurm job file:
module load amber/18
pmemd.cuda -O -i step4.1_equilibration.mdin -p -c helicase_rna_atp_wat.crd -o step4.1_equilibration.mdout -r step4.1_equilibration.rst7 -inf step4.1_equilibration.mdinfo -ref helicase_rna_atp_wat.crd -x
Hi, Before I start debugging this issue. I had to recompile AMBER 18 yesterday evening due to unexpected removal of Cuda 9.0. I finished compilation and made the module available at about 17:45 yesterday evening. Has this error happened since this time?
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