jadell / neo4jphp

PHP wrapper of the Neo4j REST interface
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Curl : Problem (2) in the Chunked-Encoded data #144

Open bmancone opened 10 years ago

bmancone commented 10 years ago

I've been having issues with Curl for the last few days, in Transport\Curl.php.

In order to identify the issue, I updated the exception thrown when $response === false in makeRequest().

Here is the log :


[Can't open connection to] [Problem (2) in the Chunked-Encoded data]

It appears that a fix would be to set CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION to CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_0.

What do you think ? Am I the only one getting this error ?

vamsiikrishna commented 8 years ago

hi @bmancone I am facing the same issue . how did you resolve this ?