jadjoubran / learnjavascript-online-npm

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cheatsheet - javascript / cheasheet - Arrays and Strings / cheatsheet DOM #1

Open Christ-Kevin opened 2 years ago

Christ-Kevin commented 2 years ago

Hi to you all.

First of all, thanks a lot to Jad Joubran for developing this course to learn Javascript. I really learn a lot here and I enjoy how the course and the challengies are made :). Concerning my Issue, I would like to avoid having to remember all the methods I learn on learnjavascriptonline.com and I would like to know if someone could advise me a ressource (or some ressources) to get the cheatsheets (with description of the methods if possible) I need for the web development with Javascript. It would be so useful for me to save time when I develop projects when I have the best cheatsheet.

Thanks in advance


KiKz-1 commented 1 year ago

Perhaps you like to bookmark another of Jad's projects: https://codetogo.io/