jadjoubran / webdash

🔥 Orchestrate your web project with Webdash the customizable web dashboard
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[up for grabs] Plugin ideas #57

Open jadjoubran opened 6 years ago

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

Feel free to suggest new plug-in ideas here

kakadiadarpan commented 6 years ago

How about a lighthouse integration with webdash?

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

I got this recommendation yesterday when I was presenting webdash to a group.. I feel like this would creep on Chrome dev tools' turf If there's anything that can be improved in Lighthouse or Dev tools + lighthouse, we can already contribute there But anyway the plugin system is completely open, so if anyone feels the need to do that, then that's perfectly fine

It would also be cool to have a something built on top of lighthouse, something like a nice graph from @calibreapp I'll ping them on twitter and see if they're interested

benschwarz commented 6 years ago

Hey @jadjoubran,

Thanks for reaching out on Twitter (I'm the founder of Calibre).

We have a new command line interface / api that should make it trivial to get stats out of an account. I'd be happy to provide a test account for you to use.

To get started:

How's all that sound?

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

Thanks @benschwarz sounds good! Will start working on this as soon as webdash v1.3 is released So I'll only signup for an account once I start working on the plugin (tracked in #58, if you'd like to get updates, please watch the other issue thanks!)

I'm also thinking of opening up sponsorships in the future in order to sustain webdash, I'll let you know about it then if you're interested Cheers

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

Would love to have someone with IFTTT API experience

cjsaylor commented 6 years ago

Would be cool for a react-scripts like API proxy to show requests as you make them with response stats.

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

@cjsaylor can you give more explanation please?

bardiarastin commented 6 years ago

what about CI status plugin ?

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

that would be cool! We'd have to build one for CircleCi and another for Travis right?

Update: Travis CI plugin tracked here #74

bardiarastin commented 6 years ago

yes they are the most popular ones, later we can add support for private CI's 👍

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

I was thinking whether it makes sense to create a plugin that simply shows status/building or error but then this can be easily embedded in your README.md and will show up if you use webdash-readme-preview so if we were to build a plugin for CIs, then it make sense to show the last 2-3 builds + with a bit more info

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

Hey @benschwarz I haven't heard back from you after I sent the email I'm planning on working on the calibre plugin soon Cheers!

benschwarz commented 6 years ago

Hey @jadjoubran, apologies for the delay - I was taking a couple of days to recover from illness. I've replied to your email. If you prefer to communicate in the open, happy to help here too.

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

thanks @benschwarz, yes let's communicate in the open in #58

MartynKeigher commented 6 years ago

I'd be interested in seeing a plugin (or even just code snippets) on how one could pull stats from a MySQL database.

jadjoubran commented 6 years ago

Thansk @MartynKeigher Would you be interested in creating a plugin? It's quite easy and I could help