jadjoubran / webdash

🔥 Orchestrate your web project with Webdash the customizable web dashboard
MIT License
1.55k stars 70 forks source link

Why no updates in 2 years? #95

Open GeorgiaData opened 4 years ago

GeorgiaData commented 4 years ago

What are people using instead on webdash? Some alternatives are listed on Product Hunt, but they seem more like Google Analytics frontends.

I stumbled in here looking for PWA integration with Plot.ly Dash Python. That other Dash is based on React.js. Now I'm looking at Making Progressive Web Apps (PWA) with React.

Is there an opportunity to move webdash toward integration with Plot.ly Dash?

jadjoubran commented 4 years ago

Hey! I haven't updated it in 2 years because it was barely used by the community So the project has become outdated I've since focused on my courses learnjavascript.online & react-tutorial.app Would you be interested in forking this project?